How to survive the death of my mother

How to survive the death of my mother

Death of a loved one - bereavement. But how to survive the loss of his mother, because for each of us it is more expensive than all the other relatives? Even balanced person hard to deal with it. But we need to move on for the sake of the blessed memory of my mother. The time will come - you will cease to grieve and understand that life is not over, and my mother will always remain alive in your heart.

How to survive the death of my mother - advice of psychologists

After severe stress psyche is restored for 9 months. After that, the memories of the dead person will be less painful. Listen to the advice of psychologists, and the pain of losing my mother a little to subside:

  • do not stay alone in the first days after my mother's death. Let be a number of close relatives or friends who mourn with you and remember mummy a good word;
  • not to withdraw into themselves. The first days of mourn, grieve, it will remove nervous tension;
  • consult a doctor if there was a depression. He will appoint sedatives. They help to survive hard times;
  • take leave from work or vice versa - take a dip in the work of the head. This does not mean you have to forget about my mother. Just heavy thoughts slowly change to another;
  • talk with people who have recently experienced the death of a loved one. They will advise on how to go through the pain of loss;
  • visit my mother's grave. Talk to her at the grave, bring flowers and you will feel better.

If you are experiencing a lot of stress, and there was a depression - consult a therapist. You need professional help.

How to survive the death of my mother - the priest's advice

Orthodox Christians believe that the deceased person passes into another life. Think about what your mother is in heaven, and no longer suffers on this sinful earth, it is better there. Priests recommend families for the soul of the deceased person:

  • order after death Prayers or memorial service. Father during these memorial services will pray for your mother's soul;
  • relatives of the deceased person to read the prayers and Psalms. Ask in prayer our Lord mental strength to make it easier to survive the loss of his mother;
  • visit the temple. Go to church on service and you will get peace of mind, but the Lord will send you wisdom for life;
  • do good deeds. It will be a good memory of your mother and help her in the heavenly life;
  • do not indulge in long grief. Thank the Lord for what you have had such a good mommy and often pray for her soul.

How to survive the death of my mother - what not to do

  • Do not stop the heartache alcohol. Alcohol can dull emptiness in the soul and emotions, but after sobering up will not be easier. And did my mother would like to see during the life of her child drink?
  • Do not stay alone for long. It is clear that in the first days after the funeral, you do not want anyone to see. But then do not avoid contact with other people. Among the people it will become easier.
  • Do not blame yourself for my mother's death, even if it is long and seriously ill. It may seem that you are ill to look after it, and paid little attention to her. You are in no way to blame. We all die sometime. Some people are beginning to blame the deceased that he had left them in this white light, and even enraged. They begin to take it out on others. This can not be done in any case! Pull yourself together.

How to survive the death of my mother - live on for the sake of the memory of her

Gradually, you will begin to understand that death is real mother and you have to live without it. Dependence on a deceased person will pass and you will begin to perceive how the loss of his life. Understand that you can not change anything, and death - this is the end for everyone. To live on for the sake of the blessed memory of your mother. She does not want her child is constantly sad.

The death of loved ones teach us to love and appreciate those relatives who are still with us. Remember my mother as she was during his lifetime - a fun, cheerful and happy. And this image will stay with you for life.

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