What a man feels when he dies

What a man feels when he dies

From death not saved any living creature and it's scary. But many people are concerned about what I feel at the moment of death? Perhaps this knowledge will facilitate someone last moments of life. Dying sense of individuality, but there are a lot of assumptions and explanations on the subject.

Physical sensations of a dying man

Physical sensations in a person dying hour depend on the reasons that led to its demise. But more often they are painful. According to scientists, post-cardiac arrest brain continues to work for several seconds. Most likely, at the time and place of death feeling. Physical sensations of a dying man:

  • death under the water. First, there is panic. Man pointless moves his arms and legs, trying to breathe. Call for help is impossible. Muscles tire body comes under water. In the minds of a drowned man is no more than a minute. Instinctively, he wants to breathe the air, but in the mouth is water. Spasms of the larynx shackle. Water fills the lungs, there is a sensation resembling combustion occurs and light gap;
  • heart attack. There is a terrible pain in the sternum due to lack of oxygen. The sensation goes to the back, jaw, throat and hands. Man covered in a cold sweat, nausea and shortness of breath. Pain in the chest are very strong, there is a loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest;
  • fire. Hot smoke burn your eyes and skin from the fire damaged skin, and a man feels terrible pain. Then the dying man no longer feels pain. Comes the feeling that with every breath consciousness is confused more and death occurs;
  • bleeding. If a damaged aorta - a person dies immediately, and does not feel anything. In the long bleeding from trauma or gunshot wound dying experiencing panic, weakness, and intense thirst. The pressure drops due to blood loss, severe consciousness is lost, and death occurs.

The sensations of a dying man from the point of view of religion

Every religion in its own answer to this troubling question:

  • islam. It is believed that before his death, a person feels anxious or calm, depending on how you lived. The subsequent transformation of the soul, too, depends on the actions of life;
  • christianity. Orthodox Christians believe that death will affect only the body. Immortal soul aspires to God, who sees all the actions of the deceased person during his lifetime, and determines a place for the soul. She goes to heaven or hell. Therefore, believers are living a righteous life, do not feel anxiety at the time of death, awaiting a meeting with the Lord.

Atheists believe that at death a person does not feel anything, just die and go into oblivion.

Felt that people who have been in a state of clinical death

People who have been in a state of clinical death, talked about their feelings. Many felt the horror and realized that die. Then it becomes easy, and the man felt as he flies through the immense tunnel. For some time released from the body of the dead man's soul he sees the body on the operating table. This resulted in shock, but gradually came understanding of death. Many saw the souls of dead relatives and a large bright good thing. By the way, scientists have proved the existence of the soul, it weighs a few milligrams.

Basic dying human sensations

It is proved that a dying person experiences intense fear and panic from the awareness of death. Much pain in the chest, the body binds severity, quickens the heartbeat. Every second breath becomes heavier, the consciousness is confused, all the floats before my eyes. This is the last thing that people feel at the moment of death.

All of the above is speculation. Better think about that after death will be taken in the beautiful and bright place. Thanks to the people, survivors of clinical death, we know that the dying person feels.

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