How to get rid of shy

How to get rid of shy

We live in a rather cruel world, where weakness always trampled by coarse force. People shy and shy always oppress and offend the sake of their own benefit or just boredom. They literally attract the blows of fate, because there is a loud inscription on their forehead: "I am a victim!". And if you don't shake yourself in time, you can not get angry with anger on your own flaws, do not try to be strong, then "beat" will be until the end of life. Therefore, if you seriously decided to get rid of shyness and instead to become a decisive, wealthy and confident person, then for this you need to do some steps.

Look boldly "in the eyes" shuffle and try to understand: where did you come from. Does it have congenital character or acquired? And in the event that you still "picked up", what exactly affected you negatively - criticism, bullying, vital problems or something else. Answer yourself on the question: I can solve this problem with the effort of will or better accept the help of a psychologist.

Try to see in yourself the "mistakenity of self-confidence", comparing myself with whom, you immediately in the soul as it may compress. Why are you upset over the fact that it's not exactly like him? Who imposed him into your mind? Maybe parents, peers or teachers. The truth is that you need to take yourself exactly in the appearance in which you are now!

Try to understand what exactly you hate in yourself, and why it happened. What are you so afraid to show people? And what suddenly it happens if you're "all the trapping?" Take this "bad" for yourself, and then feel free to show it the rest? So, the next step in the fight against shyness is to mentally imagine an uncomfortable situation, survive her several times "one one", and then sigh deeply, show the world what you so long hid. Not immediately, but the victory will be yours!

We look more likely to be on top and necessarily with a sense of humor. Begin to teach yourself for shy. Just do not condemn yourself for this and do not fall into depression! Perceive all these negative qualities like springboard to a new life and new victories. Remember that if we cannot change anything today, tomorrow will be the same thing that was yesterday! Do not lose in the struggle for freedom and happiness no day!

Take a piece of paper and write down all your victories. Remember all occasions when you suddenly were discovered in companies. Try to refresh the sensations of happiness in your own memory, and then soak them. Tune in to multiply each day more and more!

Find in your environment of liberated people and try to understand what is the secret of their free behavior. What exactly helps them keep confident in difficult conditions? Imagine their inner world, and then think about whether you have the same qualities in you or at least confidence adventures. They, of course, are! They are just found, and then develop.

Try to behave in the way these people lead - it is limited, always acting as they like it, without fear, to get under the harm to the surrounding. The very idea that people think about you is a trap! Make a gust of freedom in all your actions, gestures, gait and even facial expressions. Get a clear feeling as if freedom goes through the rapid flow!

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the main recipe in order to eradicate shyness is to become independent of the opinions of others and take themselves as the nature created. It is impossible to please everyone! But at the same time, you should not turn yourself into a robot, self-confident and hard. You need to learn to keep your heart open for the world, as well as ready for productive criticism. But take advice, even if we are not comfortable, you need calmly, without pain and condemnation. Patience you and good luck, friends!


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