How to cope with anxiety

How to cope with anxiety

Anxiety before an important event, for example, before public appearances or report to the authorities, brings discomfort: slurred, hand numbness, numbness of the face, stammering and stuff. Judging by the fact that the wave of nearly 99% of the population in any given situation, you are not an exception. How to cope with anxiety?

Be confident in their knowledge and abilities. Much more difficult to pass the exam, if half of the ticket you simply have not been taught or read. Or report to the authorities, not fully thought through his report. Even if you are performing brilliantly, you will subconsciously think that at any time you can ask a difficult question to which you do not know the answer. If so the situation was such that it was not possible to study the subject in detail, you say something. For example, in the exam, you can walk "around the bush." Typically, teachers, recalling past achievements of the student, simply close their eyes to the vague answers. But the leadership can get rid of the duty with the phrase: I will clarify this point, and I assure you, let me see the exact data, etc.

Be trained to act and speak in front of a mirror. So you will be able to consolidate the material that you are cooking, keep track of their facial expressions, as well as to work out possible questions and responses to the situation.

Looks perfect. Even ordinary arrow on pantyhose or torn Buttons can cause excitement. After all, you remember what that something is wrong, even if others do not see. If there is no possibility of change - try to forget about this trouble. Believe me, those with whom you communicate, hardly ever pay attention to it, if your dialogue or speech to be interesting.

Make a set of simple physical exercises in a safe place to stop worrying:

  • slowly lift arms up and down;
  • twist arms making big circles;
  • clenching and unclenching his fingers;
  • shake the wrists;
  • move your jaw back and forth;
  • massage hands and feet;
  • deeply inhale and exhale air.

Chew gum for half an hour before an important event. In addition, it freshens breath, after the start of chewing the feeling of fear is dulled.

Change their attitude to what is causing the excitement. For example, if the excitement associated with a public performance, that is, people who will listen to you, then imagine that these people - your best friends. They do not want to hurt you, but to help and suggest. A little smile in the time allowed, to win over the audience. If worried before meeting with an important person, to the Chief before thrashing, then you can try the following: imagine that your interlocutor - a clown, he's just making fun of you. Or that they put on his cap, and at least it's something, and says, but you can not see it. If, for example, worried before the interview to work, give yourself installation: it does not, then it is not the place where I need to work, I'll find better.

And most importantly, remember that negative thoughts attract negative events. Think only about the good - and then everything will be obtained, and the excitement will be over.

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