How to discover the abilities

How to discover the abilities

All people have some abilities, only sometimes do not even suspect about it. The fact that a person can acquire knowledge and skills depends on the individual characteristics of a particular personality. Our successes are explained by our abilities.

If you set out the goal of discovering the abilities, then decide exactly what your goal is. You should put one task before you. Spraying on a lot of things right away, you do not reach anything. It would be nice to have a mentor, then you will not make serious mistakes and avoid disappointments.

In order to discover the abilities for drawing, music or achieve heights in terms of physical development, everyday persistent classes are needed. Attend trainings or participate in them online. Having learned and applying knowledge in practice, you will come to the exercise of your dreams. It will be more difficult if you are attracted by healing. Even if the botany and the foundations of medicine have already been studied, then it is still necessary to discover the ability to intuitively guess the problem. Perhaps good intuition is laid from birth, but sometimes an accumulated experience leads to understanding.

There are many of the abilities of psychics, but their development is different. This is intuition. It is a pity that it often suppresses our rationality. Many see something bad in it, but in fact a person with perfect intuition is able to feel a bioenergy field by catching his vibration. There are special workouts to open these abilities.

It is generally accepted that telepathic abilities are a rare gift. But just like to open other abilities, exercises will help here:

  • First, well practiced, you will learn to feel the hands of a man of man. To do this, just take a comfortable position on the chair, relax and drive away all thoughts. Palm is in such a way that there are approximately Millimeters 300 between them, and keep them in parallel. Complete them and return to the same position. Just do it as low as possible and until the feeling is like that in your hands there is something elastic ball, for example.
  • Open abilities possible and during sleep. Looks into bed, program yourself to sleep about tomorrow's affairs. Clearly imagine how it looks, and sleep with this thought. With this exercise, you will discover magical abilities.
  • For the development of intuitive their abilities will have to strain all imagination and present themselves to another person, look at the surrounding his eyes. After such training, you will not see the situation as other people see it.
  • You already know how to feel aura hand, now learn to see it. Focus on flashing in front of closer-baked centuries, look in them for about 10 minutes, when go to bed for 3 days. Then in the steadmate room casually follows any figure standing on the table on a neutral background, for example, a sheet of cardboard. In case of incident, a weak haze will seem around the figure around the figure, gradually acquiring color. This is a aura.

And in conclusion: the main thing is that the classes are pleasant for you. If the workouts on the opening of the abilities are given hard, do not force themselves. Take care of something else.

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