How to recognize the witch

How to recognize the witch

There are people in the world who are endowed with unusual abilities. Someone is given at birth, and someone develops them independently. In many cases, these personalities do not seek to advertise their hobbies. There are several signs for which you can define them.

By appearance, recognize the witch will not work. It can have absolutely any appearance, but knowing more than the rest, differs from other women internal magnetism. It is this quality that attracts other people and makes them admire. It is worth noting that women with magical abilities can be completely invisible. But at the right moment, they instantly adapt and show themselves completely on the other side. Take a closer to the body - you may find unusual spots and moles. These characters may mean that the witch is hereditary.

Witches have a very chain look. To do this, it is not necessary to have a brown and big eyes. Just they have a special look. They are able to look into the eyes of another person without fear. If you catch a view of a woman with abilities, you may seem that it penetrates through the body and information reads with you. Therefore, many people have discomfort from the look of witches. But real professionals do it completely imperceptibly for others, so you can not feel anything.

People who have certain abilities are not like other people who are supporting, but prefer loneliness. You are unlikely to see the witch in a big company with drinking. They feel more comfortable with alone with themselves, team of like-minded people or relatives, if they support their views. If they appear at the solemn events, they prefer to be in themselves, not allowing people to them too close. Even if you are familiar for a long time and often intersect, the witch will not allow too close communication or talking to souls.

The witch is very confident in itself and in his abilities. At the same time, it does not show rudeness, rudeness or other negative towards other people. Such women are not gossipped, do not make bobes, in one word, behave more decently than some. This behavior may be due to congenital or acquired wisdom, since the word "Witch" comes from "to know, know." They constantly learn the information on esoteric, so they can really know more than the others. But there is another witch segment that are engaged in black magic. These individuals at best can damage or ill. If you definitely do not know who exactly in front of you is - do not hurt them.

There is another very important sign that can be recognized by leading - energy. The fact is that animals are very sensitive. If they feel strong energy, they begin to react instantly. At the sight of the witch, they immediately become good and stopped. Approximately the same thing happens with children. They feel the inner strength of a person and begin to show sympathy. Even if the child is closed, he will begin to behave much more freely.

Witches are not particularly drawn to the church. They have a completely different worldview, so they do not see the need to visit the temple. Even if they come, feel a little not in their plate. But with the "Power Places" the situation is completely different. Possessing the abilities, they know how to feel the places where there is a large accumulation of energy, and fueled from them.

These signs cannot guarantee that a woman is 100% witch. Moreover, such signs simply do not exist. But if a person has a majority of listed qualities, it is possible with a lot of probability to argue that he owns some abilities or is at the stage of active comprehension. Witches are completely able to recognize only experienced witches.

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