How to get rid of man

How to get rid of man

Probably many falls dubious "happiness" to deal with annoying and uninteresting companion. Ears already withered from the abundance of useless information, do your best hints, and the person continues to broadcast. Enrages all: manner of speaking, behavior, stupid things. It seems that to get rid of such a person is simply impossible. Fortunately, there are several proven ways.

Ignore any steps boring. Do not even pretend to listen to it. Mentally create a cocoon around him security. It only clean air, birds singing and the sound of water. Even if your "friend" and not lag behind, at least the nerves will be more whole.

Learn to say no. From energy vampires suffer mostly kind and gentle at heart people. They are uncomfortable just dump the nasty lady because of the fear of appearing rude. In this case, not to manners. Just say that you are not interested, and be engaged in the affairs.

Turn your attention boring person to another object. To do this, acquaint him with someone who does not get enough attention, the presence of the crowd of admirers and cronies. Try to get lost in a big company.

Minimize the live communication. Postpone the meeting, citing urgent business. Answer the phone every other time. Refuse to participate in group activities. If accidentally met in a cafe or shop, take a thoughtful look and walk past.

The best defense - attack. Proceed with the same methods. Constantly speculate about their problems, the appearance of a monotonous tone. Violently indignant when you try to interrupt a conversation or put it in a different direction. As often as possible to molest different missions: from the trip to the store to childcare. Such tactics of behavior would get anyone.

A good way to scare people - ask to borrow some money. As a rule, it works flawlessly.

Conspiracies and prayers. Believers cry out to the heavens and to the saints, and atheists prefer the magical rites. For example, wait for the first day, when the moon will begin to decline. In an empty room on a sheet of paper, write the name of an unwanted person. Roll sheet and tuck into a plastic cylinder. Pour the water to get the key and repeat three times a special spell "annoyed by distracting yourself, cast it with his life. His molestation in ice turns. How Sia water turn into ice, so menace from my lapel. " Cork screw first, and then seal the wax from a burning white candle. Bottle, leave for three days in the freezer, and then buried in a vacant lot. Tough, but does not hurt to try.

Privilege to dispose of his life and time belongs to man himself. Only depends on you your own circle of communication. Get together with the spirit and deselect the extra characters.

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