How to get rid of computer addiction

How to get rid of computer addiction

Modern man unreasonably spends a long time in front of the computer. Reading news, useful and interesting information, various games, forums, social networks, films, music - computer tightens as a magnet, gradually turning a person in his fan.

There are people who are no longer able to cope with the desire to include a computer. It becomes more difficult to tear them from exciting classes. The question arises, how to get rid of computer addiction. The most important thing is that it is necessary to understand: psychological dependence arises due to a shortage of something in a person in real life (joy, euphoria, success, recognition, attention). Obvious signs that need to urgently take measures are:

  • You sit down for a computer on a "a couple of minutes", and after a few hours we are surprised how time passed quickly, completely forgetting at the same time to perform planned things.
  • You communicate with friends mostly through the social network, and not live, even with those that live next to you.
  • Neglecting the night bed, you dive into the expanses of the Internet or plunge into an exciting game, falling asleep only in the morning.
  • On culinary sites you spend more time than the actual cooking process.
  • Your computer turns off only when you sleep, and it is not always.

As soon as the problem is detected, it should be struggled with it. To begin with, think what exactly you are doing at a computer and how important it is (naturally, if you use a computer to work, it is not considered). If you spend a lot of time for games, and at home the empty refrigerator is not cleaned and uncomfortable, then it's time to erase all the toys and remove links from bookmarks. In a reward you will get a lot of free time that you can spend with benefit.

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If you cannot immediately abandon your favorite activities, try to establish a limit on games, forums, social networks. Be sure to sit down for the computer only after you do some necessary work. If you sincerely think that your Internet is useful (forum Mommy, culinary sites, repair and construction tips), analyze which percentage of time you are spent actually about the fact that you are sitting in front of the computer. The child is much more necessary Mamino attention, and not its theoretical awareness in a particular matter. Husband will like any dish cooked from the soul, and not some kind of overseas, due to the search for which you did not have time to put themselves with the apartment.

Find an interesting lesson for yourself: fitness, dancing, swimming pool, English courses, knitting, embroidery, reading, walking in nature. Take time yourself and your appearance, figure, spend the evening with friends, and not with a computer. In particularly severe cases, drug treatment and psychotherapy are used to treat computer dependence.

It is not necessary to completely refuse the Internet, computer. You just need to look around on the sides, evaluate the quality of your free time. Do not sacrifice families, children, health, beauty for daily surfing on sites, forums. Try to establish such communication with your computer so that he helps you reach all the goals set, and did not take all your free time.

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Olga 14/06/2016 at 0:05.

Game is not a harmless passion, and, unfortunately, our family has encountered this problem. At first it was not addiction or illness, simply my brother spent a lot of time at the computer: in social networks, played games. Then they went the games of Oh-Lai, he could sit the day, not there, intercepting only a sandwich, not to sleep, and then go back to the university! We rented us when, because of the games he took the session and was expelled. But it turned out, it was not the worst, he began to play for money: online casino, poker. It was akin to addiction! He was able to return to real life only a psychotherapist, I leave his contacts: Roman21994, + 38067 578 04 35, +79161243266, Roman

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