How to stop afraid

How to stop afraid

There is no such person in the world who would be alien to the feeling of fear. No wonder psychologists in one voice argue that fear is on its roots in deep childhood, and with him a person lives throughout the conscious life. However, not everything is lost for those who suffer from claustrophobia, sociophobia and other fears associated with all the areas of life. Scientists have proven that they can be completely overcome, but it is important to know how to do it right.

Fear of people. For some modern young men and girls, this is a reality with which you have to live. Because of its congenital shyness, a person is difficult to establish communication, as a result of which he closes in himself and begins to avoid and be afraid of people. There are a number of effective exercises to overcome this fear: to ask passersby time, direction path, location of objects; ask questions to consultants in stores; Turning out organizations with different issues and so indefinitely. Performing tests set by himself, a person overcome his phobia over time.

Fear of darkness. Some experts advise Wedge to beat wedge. For example, it is worth teaching yourself to be periodically in a dark room or room. If a person is difficult to fall asleep in the dark, then you can start the rate of getting rid of the phobia with what to try to fall asleep with the lamp or night light, and later - with light in the next room and smoothly go to sleep in full darkness.

Fear of height (aerophobia). In order for the flights to pass more calmly and comfortably, you should set up yourself to that way that the plane is the safest type of transport. In addition, it is worth stop watching movies about the plane crash. Flight tickets should not be at the porthole and in the tail of the aircraft. On the contrary, with you on board it is better to take a player with soothing music, press or movies to view on a laptop.

Fear in front of various animals and insects. Experts advise crossing themselves through themselves and meet face to face with an object that causes a phobia. This path is the most difficult, but at the same time, it is the most efficient. Perhaps looking at his "enemy" from another angle, phobia will leave forever.

Fear of loneliness. Surrounding her easier than simple. Psychologists in one voice recommended to saturate their lives to the edges with pleasant events and interesting people. Filling your free time by business, while playing a day and surrounding themselves with faithful friends, the phobia of loneliness cannas in the fly.

Fear is that in front of a person paints his subconscious. Cleaning the thoughts and soul from the negative, the fears will dissolve and will never lend themselves anymore.

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