Stresses, depression
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  • Health
    For a person, fear has always been a natural protective mechanism that helps to survive in extreme conditions.
    30.01.2019 315 1
  • Psychology
    Probably, the depressive state visited, at least once, every person. Those who answered negatively to this question are in fact simply refuse to believe that they might have depression.
    27.07.2018 320 2
  • Health
    When a person is bad in the soul, strange dreams are tormented by him, heavy and depressing thoughts are constantly spinning in the head, most likely you have depression.
    11.07.2018 491 3
  • Help
    The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult tests in life, with whom it is impossible to accept. The loss of a native and beloved person is an incredibly deep mental shock and emotional shock.
    29.04.2018 431 0
  • Psychology
    Treason is a husband - this is a blow from a loved one. Woman has the right to leave. But what to do if there is love?
    18.03.2018 313 0
  • Health
    At work, at home, public transport, in the store and even just on the street you may encounter unpleasant situations that can cause stress.
    10.12.2017 359 2
  • Stresses, depression
    Depression is not the most pleasant condition of the human soul, when the world around the world seemed in black colors and what he glad before, no longer brings pleasure.
    04.08.2017 464 2
  • Love
    The topic of losing close people is absolutely not new and very important! When a beloved husband is dying, for his wife it always suddenly caught the feeling of loneliness.
    16.06.2017 456 0
  • Help
    If you have ever experienced the tragic death of a loved one, you know how difficult it is to immediately understand what happened.
    15.05.2017 495 0
  • Health
    In the life of any person, important and responsible moments will happen to get nervous and worrying even the most resistant moral personality.
    26.04.2017 472 1
  • Health
    If the quality of sleep is violated, the level of vital energy is automatically reduced, the troubles appear in life.
    11.04.2017 462 1
  • Health
    Panic attacks are a fairly common variety of disturbing phobic neurosis. Panic attacks are familiar to 8% of people around the world.
    05.03.2017 454 1
  • Help
    It is very scary to experience the death of his son. After all, these children should bury parents, and not the opposite.
    20.02.2017 569 0
  • Pregnancy
    Before the birth of a child, quite a bit of time left and you no longer wait to become a happy mom, but the rest does not give fear before childbirth.
    20.02.2017 451 0
  • Dependencies
    Each person may experience an insurmountable feeling of anxiety and fear, which is very difficult to overcome, and sometimes we can not even understand what is caused by this unpleasant phenomenon.
    19.02.2017 418 1
  • Stresses, depression
    Irritability and overwork pursue you from day to day? Not trouble, you can and you need to fight.
    11.02.2017 452 1
  • Psychology
    We feel fear when our brain is trying to warn us about danger. For everyone, this feeling is purely individually.
    28.01.2017 435 0
  • Relationship
    Girls - creating unpredictable, capricious and with vulnerable soul. They often appear depression, and the mood deteriorates.
    07.01.2017 456 1
  • Dependencies
    We can say with confidence that in the life of every person there was parting, most of them even once.
    06.11.2016 503 0
  • Psychology
    You have irritation, anxiety, apathy. The bad mood does not want to leave you and everything is not laid in life.
    28.08.2016 494 1
  • Psychology
    Sincere pain - as if a mirror reflection of our perception, emotional balance, adaptation to unexpected situations.
    02.02.2015 1069 1
  • Psychology
    There are increasing number of people from neurological diseases. Peace and sleep take away the unmodified rhythm of life, unfulfilled plans, discontent with themselves, uncertainty, lack of stability, etc.
    02.11.2014 1228 2
  • Psychology
    The occurrence of temporary fears is an absolutely normal phenomenon for each person. Not normal, if these fears turn into phobias, bring you to panic and in the literal sense of the word prevent you from living.
    05.09.2014 1200 2

