What is depression?

What is depression?

When a person is bad in the soul, strange dreams are tormented by him, heavy and depressing thoughts are constantly spinning in the head, most likely you have depression. Let us understand what depression is what is its causes, consequences and how to deal with this ailment.

Emotional problems

In order to cope with depression, it is necessary to understand what is submitted by this ailment and what is its causes. It should be understood that no treatment will be truly effective if it is not determined by what is the "root of evil".

In general, the main reason for depression becomes conflict of interest, so to speak, only not between two different people, but exclusively, within itself. Some may not understand such a state, especially if they have never been in it and have not experienced:

  • A person does not understand himself.
  • He does not like anything in himself, nor appearance nor behavior, nor thought - there is a complete disgust for himself and everything.
  • In some cases, people blame everyone around in their troubles hate everything, even those who do not affect their fate.
  • A person appears the desire to "refuse" from himself, his lack of, desires and thoughts.

There are a number of factors that exacerbate the psychological state of a person (on the way to depression):

  • Constantly analyze your actions, gestures, behavior, actions and condemn yourself for all this.
  • Testing regular shame for your behavior and action.

  • Trying to find the guilty in their troubles and hate everyone around everyone, especially those who, in your opinion, are all good.
  • Lack of individual, his own opinion.
  • Violence and anger is your weapon against others, in this way you are trying to manage and depart.

Physics and Psychics

It is impossible to call a particular symptom of depression, because it can be described as a combination of many factors and symptoms. It should be noted that the depression often begins due to health problems. It was during these moments that a person begins to feel anyone who is not necessary, angry with the world and others. But the fact is that there is a perception of his illness, the disease is destructive for the physical and psychological state of a person, it becomes even worse. Immunity decreases sharply, the health problems are becoming more and more, the mood is worse.

Do not forget that our psychological condition often directly depends on the physical, and vice versa, so everything must be perceived correctly and objectively.

The most common cause of the development of depression is psychological and sharp injury. It happens when a person has to worry about tragic events in his life - the death of loved ones, unrequited love, a scandal with loved ones. Sometimes psychological injuries are populated in adulthood, which were obtained in early childhood, although then they did not even attach importance.

Sometimes depression is developing gradually, and does not hit, as they say, "Obuch on the head." Get out of the protracted and accumulative depression is harder than:

  • Everything can begin in childhood, when the child inflicted a psychological trauma, which he could not forget.
  • Then, in adolescence, unrequisite love or regular conflicts with parents can be added here.

  • When a person learn and gets to work - these are also constant stress - sessions, exams, responsibility at work, conflicts of interests with colleagues, boss, etc.
  • For women, the next step can be unplanned pregnancy or cheating of the second half. Birth, by the way, can also become a final drop in the "emission" of emotions out.

Depression and factors associated with her

It should be noted that isolation is the first step to depression. The person is a mustache creature that needs communication and life among other individuals on the biological level, therefore, close from the whole world, it means to pave the path to the depression state. The most sad thing in this is the fact that some do not even realize what happens to them, over time they are bothering with their thoughts, and sometimes they are even solved on the completion of their lives of suicide.

It is not worth too frivolous to treat the concept of depression, because no one can say that it will never happen to him. Life is a difficult thing, everything else, not predictable.

It is almost useless to fight depression on your own, and many believe that it is even impossible. In this case, the surroundings are very important, because close people are the best doctors with the diagnosis under consideration. It should be understood that a close person must support the one who is depressed and dull condition.

The optimal option in this situation will be the appeal to a specialist who can help a person in a protracted depression. It should also be understood that this ailment will not pass in one day and it all depends not only from the doctor, but also from the patient himself.

It is possible to get out of depression, and should not think that this ailment is chronic, because only people can do it. Remember that excessive emotionality is also the main factor for the appearance of depression, and sometimes, no matter, negative emotions in this case prevail or positive.

A person who receives a lot of positive emotions at the same time, also receives psychological stress. And when the euphoria passes (and this will happen very soon), may face the state of stupuses and emotional recession, and this is a straight road to depression.

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Lyubov Semenovna 09/09/2018 at 1:02.

In fact, to overcome depression to find its true cause. To start, go to the doctor and examine. I can say on my example that almost constantly the reason in the thyroid gland. But this problem can be quickly removed if you pay attention in time. I found an Endocrinol preparation in the online store, which helped me a lot. And to improve his action began to eat right and refused smoking.

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Natalia 09/16/2018 at 22:27

Yes, depression may arise simply from the quality of life and accumulated problems, in this case it is difficult to maintain composure, especially if there is no support. It is necessary not to close, do not regret yourself, and find a source of positive emotions. You can and maintain your emotional background with medicinal, natural drops of Passiflora Edas 111, which will help to cope with spiritual experiences.

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Yuri. 09/07/2021 at 10:45.

I envy all those who have never come across a similar problem ... Although in fact, with our rhythm of life in the modern world, it is impossible not to meet. I myself suffered randomly, until the Mens formula was the formula for the advice of more than polivitamins of drinking ... There is an extract of Cayenne pepper, which just has a positive effect on the work of the nerves + well for libido and potency .... So I advise you to adhere )

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