Tuberculosis, infectious disease, frightening many people. The disease is transmitted by air-droplet and no one is insured against its occurrence. On time, the starting treatment allows you to completely cure tuberculosis, but about everything on a straight.
Tuberculosis: Silent of History
Tuberculosis is already a sign of mankind no longer one millennium. In ancient Greece, this disease was called exhaustion, and one of the first names of this alend in Tsarist Russia was dry disease. Over time, a new term was invented - a char.
In modern medicine, the direction that explores the problem of tuberculosis is called phthisiatria, and the doctor of attending tuberculosis is called a phthisiarator.
What is tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis is a disease of bacterial etiology (infectious disease), the causative agent of which is acid-resistant microbacterium of the genus Mycobacterium. Medicine uses the bottom-wide name of the pathogen - Koch wand.
Microbacterium, falling into the body, begins to actively multiply, hitting the internal organs. Most often, the foci of the disease is observed in the respiratory tract (lungs, less often bronchi). Also parasitize pathogenic microbacteriums can be in lymphatic, urogenital, nervous systems, on the skin and in the musculoser.
Types of tuberculosis
In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between two forms of tuberculosis:
- open;
- closed.
If the disease has an open form, the presence of microbacteria is noted in the natural discharge of the body (sputum, urine, saliva, etc.). Such patients are dangerous to others, and their treatment is carried out only in the hospital. With closed forms of the disease, the pathogenic microflora is present "in sleep mode", and the pathogens are absent in the selection structure. Therefore, such patients do not pose a threat to healthy people. Very often, in the absence of treatment of closed form tuberculosis, it flows into the open.
Tuberculosis: infection and development of the disease
The most common pathogery penetration into the body of pathogenic microbacteria is an air-drip path. If human immunity is weakened, pathogenic microorganisms fall into lymph nodes and on the lymphatic vessels apply to the body. Summing bacteria can be in the lungs, kidneys, tubular bones.
It should be noted that the presence of koche in the body is not the cause of the development of tuberculosis. Infection in charge of 95% of people occurs in childhood, and the bacterium simply "sleeps" in the body. In order to "wake up" a pathogenic organism should be present certain factors with a weakened immune system.
Symptoms of tuberculosis
For the closed form of tuberculosis is characteristic of the lack of symptoms, but the patient who knows about the disease should regularly undergo a survey from a doctor. In the case of an open form, a person is treated stationary. For such patients, such symptoms are characteristic:
- cough with a wet compartment, with heavy forms there is a hemoplary;
- sadness, both in calm state and at exercise;
- pains arising in the field of beasts during cough.
In addition to the main symptoms indicating the presence of a disease in humans, the following symptoms appear:
- dizziness;
- lack of appetite;
- increased temperature;
- general weakness;
- sweating at night;
- there is weight loss.
On time began treatment with antibiotics, it allows you to repay the foci of infection. Damaged organ tissues are replaced by fibrous, and the person is amended. If the treatment is not carried out for any reason, the patient "chashnet", and the finish of the pathology is becoming a fatal outcome.