Cough is a reflex process that is aimed at cleaning the respiratory tract with a strong air flow. The entire cough mechanism begins with irritation of coughing receptors of the respiratory tract of other nearby formations. Impulses from these receptors enter the cough center, which is in the oblong brain. A strong signal comes from it to the diaphragm and interrochemical muscles, which leads to their spasm and actually, coughing.
Dry cough
In most cases, the inflammatory respiratory tract process and lungs begins with dry cough. In this case, the cough receptors are irritated by the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane or deeper layers. The cough is not separated by the sputum. Dry cough does not bring any benefit in the fight against the disease. It only brings inconvenience and can additionally damage the upper respiratory tract. In this case, take antifreeze preparations that are aimed at oppression of a cough center or cough receptors. This is a group of preparations from dry cough. It makes no sense to use expectorant drugs.
Moist cough
Following dry cough, wet comes. It is characterized by the disorder of the sputum of various types. The nature of sputum depends on the disease and can have several main types and combinations thereof:
- Serous. The most common sputum, which is a transparent mucus. Characteristic for acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tracheitis.
- Hemorrhagic. It has blood in its composition. It may be caused by tuberculosis, tumor decay, heavy bronchitis or pneumonia. Also often occurs during thromboembolism of the light artery and the edema of the lungs.
- Purulent. It is found in a breakthrough of an abscess of light, bronchiectatic disease, purulent bronchitis and congenital anomalies of lungs.
Wet cough is aimed at eliminating sputum with respiratory tract, which benefits in the struggle of the body with a disease. That is why it is not necessary to take antitussive drugs aimed at oppression of cough reflex. This will only brake the resolution of the disease. Better use preparations with a secretolithic effect. They cut the mucus, which speeds up its removal from the body.
Long cough with tuberculosis
If the cough lasts more than 2 weeks, it is necessary to check for the presence of tuberculosis. Long cough is one of its first symptoms. For tuberculosis, the lungs are also characterized by night sweating, loss of body weight and long-term increase in temperature. Tuberculosis is confirmed by carrying out the sample of mantu, radiography, sputum microscopy and bacteriological examination. After receiving the results of the sensitivity of mycobacterium tuberculosis to drugs, a long treatment is carried out.
Long cough smokers
Cigarette smoke brings a very big damage to the body. Long smoking people, often strongly cough in the morning. This is due to damage to the bronchi mucous membrane. These villi with oscillations are sprouting with breathing tracks. Cigarette smoke strongly slows down, which leads to the accumulation of sputum throughout the day. At night, the wet is easier to exit, due to the horizontal position of the body. Overnight, a large amount of sputum accumulates in the upper respiratory tract and causes cough until all of the body. Such a cough can go a few months after the cessation of smoking.
Almost always a long cough testifies to the presence of a heavy disease. Such a cough should alert you and get to the shorter time to consult a doctor and examine. If we identify the disease and begin timely therapy, significantly increase the chances of a cure and preventing complications.
Cough is the protection of the body, which is a symptom of the disease, so it needs to be treated correctly. I liked the capsules bronchobos, perfectly removes viscous sputum, and still treats a runny nose so that there are no such complications like a sinus.
He himself recently suffered with a cough ... On the advice of the doctor, Orvis Broncho Ambroxol began to take (I pleased that it produces Evalar, this is still a bad quality mark), + has become still the throat rinse the Romashkovsky decoction. Gradually, the cough was not so strong and tearing, and then passed at all. So I can boldly advise)