Obstructive Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, which is accompanied by a violation of the patency of the respiratory tract. And if it is not treated correctly and timely, then complications may occur, including a fatal outcome.
Symptoms of the disease
In an adult obstructive Bronchitis is manifested in different ways. It depends on the disease that provoked its development. But mostly the symptoms are the same:
- fatigue, weakness, malaise,
- pain in the head, burning behind the chest. Appear after 1-2 days.
- cough. The first days it is dry and painful, because sputum does not stand out. Attacks suggest coughing is accompanied by chest pain, as well as begging. Due to severe cough, the pressure inside the skull may increase, the muscles of the abdominal wall, ribs and hips can hurt.
- increased Temperature up to 39 degrees, chills.
Sputum release begins on second third day. After that, the patient's condition improves significantly. Transparent sputum acquires mucosal character, and this indicates the development of bacterial microflora. The shortage appears due to the clogging of the lumen of the bronchi with sputum or as a result of a spasm. Symptoms of bronchitis are observed up to three weeks. The most important symptom obstructive Bronchitis is a paroxysmal cough with a problematic sputum.
General recommendations
- In treatment obstructive Bronchitis requires bed rest for several days.
- It is very important to exclude all aggressive factors, namely household chemistry, cosmetics, allergenic products. You also need to quit smoking at least during treatment.
- Follow a diet to support the body. To do this, do not use too salty and sharp, fried and fatty foods. Ideal nutrition is light soup, sour -milk products.
The doctor prescribes such drugs:
- Mucolics (for sputum). Bromhexin and Lazolvan - Suitable for dry coughing.
- Antitussive (Sinecod). If the cough is unproductive and painful.
- Adrenergic receptors (Salbutamol). it drugs to expand the bronchi.
- Antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav).
Taking antibacterial drugs is prescribed in the case of a severe stage of the disease or with a deterioration in the patient's condition. The selection of these drugs depends on the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics. At elevated temperatures, paracetamol is added to treatment.
Inhalations are very effective in obstructive bronchitis, as sputum in the bronchi is liquid for easy discharge. Antiseptic plants reduce the inflammatory process of bronchi, expanding paths and improving the condition. You can do inhalations with the help of:
- Steam inhalers. The device is easy to use. It is a paper funnel that is worn on the nose of the teapot.
- Ultrasound inhalers. Thanks to the ingress of particles of the solution into the bronchi, you can quickly get the desired effect.
- "X old»Inhalations. You can inhale the smell of dancing onions, garlic or radish.
Relief can be felt after the first procedure.
Folk methods
There are a lot of bronchitis recipes in folk medicine. Basically, this is the use of plant drugs and all kinds of compresses. So, the most effective compress of honey and butter. For preparation, you will need the same proportions of the components that need to be connected and heated. The compress is superimposed on the chest and back.
Physical education and breathing
Medical physical education is also effective. Exercises activate internal processes, thereby cleansing the bronchi from sputum. This leads to a quick recovery. Respiratory gymnastics excludes hypoxia, and lung ventilation improves. Its main goal is to increase the capabilities of the respiratory apparatus using restoration of free breathing.
In case of illness, all respiratory muscles are strained and tired. The diaphragm performs the main work, so it also needs to be treated. Thanks to a special set of exercises, you can return their previous mode of operation.
If the disease is treated after the manifestation of the first symptoms, then you can recover quickly. But if the cause of this disease is not excluded, then the appearance of relapses is possible.