Vasomotor rhinitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Vasomotor rhinitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Vasomotor rhinitis is a chronic inflammation process that flows into the nose and nasophal. It leads to changes in the field of the nose. Namely, the blood flow of vessels changes and symptoms of pathology arise.

The main symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis

The most common signs of the disease:

  • Breathing is complicated, and the drops do not bring any effect.
  • There are discrepancies that cause sneezing.
  • The smell and taste is disturbed.
  • Red eyes that can get watered.
  • Weakness, powerlessness, reduced performance and lack of sleep, irritability, pain in the head.

With the appearance of difficulty breathing, you need to urgently consult a doctor. It is impossible to get rid of the disease forever to get rid of the disease in some cases, but you can come to the state of remission.


When rinted, local and systemic drugs are prescribed:

  • blockages containing glucocorticosteroids, anesthetics;
  • preparations that improve blood microcirculation (ECCUN, CHILLENOL);
  • during the period of exacerbation, vesseloring drops are prescribed, or containing atropine;
  • washing procedures with salt solutions - Aquamaris, but salt;
  • antiber and anti-easture sprays - Nazonex, and the
  • cromogexal spray and antihistamine - zirtek, zoda, if the form is allergic.
  • homeopathy. Such medicines are harmless, and they can be used for a long, accumulating effect. Sinupere, the workfower reduces the symptoms of rhinitis.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Today, there are many techniques that help to cope with pathology and restore the vessels in the nose sink:

  • The impact of dynamic current on the neck area, in the locations of the nerves;
  • Electrophoresis procedure (using novocaine, zinc sulfate, calcium chloride). The rolling mocking in the solution is inserted into the nose, while it is connected to the electrodes. The effect of the current strengthens the vascular wall;
  • Therapy with a laser on nasal shells;
  • Phonoforesis. A wand that has an attachment at the end affects the mucous membrane. It activates blood circulation;
  • Electric acupuncture;
  • Impact of the magnetic field;
  • Impact on the nose with warm and cool water;
  • Breathing exercises and massage procedures. Thanks to proper breathing, the body is saturated with oxygen, reducing the symptoms of weakness, fatigue.
  • Methodology A.F. Mamedova. This is the radiation of the laser and magnetic fields. The action of the last factor is directed externally on the nose skat, and inside the laser to the reflexogenic zones of the nose shells.

For the treatment of rhinitis, it is necessary to eliminate all the foci of infection in the body, eliminate changes in the structure of the nose, engage in the treatment of gastrointestants, it is advisable to remove all allergens and quit smoking.

Therapy by folk methods

Folk recipes allow you to treat the disease in the conditions of the house. But some methods can aggravate the situation, especially the use of allergenic products, honey, herbs. Of the folk remedies is allowed:

  • Calendula flowers brew, insisted and strain. To wash the nasal moves in this tincture in case of exacerbation.
  • Brew mint and strain. The solution is taken by half a compartment 4 times a day. This will reduce the reactivity of the nasal mucosa.
  • Beet juice dilute with water in the same proportion. Dripped instead of vasoconstrictor droplets.
  • If the form of the disease is neurorgetable and there is no allergies, then inhalation with essential oils can be made. The procedure will calm and relax the nervous system.
  • For the preparation of the hawthorn tincture, a spoon of berries, boiled water (500 ml), will be required. Interest 12 hours and take on a glass 3 times a day. This will help strengthen the vessels.
  • Hardening - pouring, bathing in cold water, the adoption of a contrasting soul.

Surgical treatment method

Septoplastic is a change in the curved nasal partition. Such intervention is rarely required, for example, in the post-traumatic nose deformation, but such pathology is rarely found. An effective method of treatment is considered to be introduced into the cavity of the nose of drugs containing novocaine or hormones. Also use preparations that affect the vessels in the nose. The operation is aimed at the destruction of blood vessels on the mucous membrane. As a result, the vessels cease to expand, and the mucous swell.

In order to prevent the occurrence of a chronic form of the disease, prophylactic measures should be performed. To do this, it is necessary to be comprehensively treated, eliminate everything that provokes disease, avoid stressful situations, supercooling, as well as enjoy the recipes of traditional medicine. When performing appointments, the doctor can easily get rid of vasomotor rhinitis!

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