Inflammation of the gallbladder - symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the gallbladder - symptoms and treatment

The inflammation of the gallbladder is otherwise called cholecystitis. This disease is in second place, immediately after appendicitis, by the number of acute cases. You can also meet the name of the "idle disease", as cholecystitis exacerbates after the feast: alcohol and fatty food in large quantities. The disease is divided into two types: chronic shape and sharp. Treatment and symptoms differ depending on the form of the disease. To keep track of your health, it is better to ask the most common diseases in advance when they have not yet touched you and your loved ones. In this article, you will get acquainted with the main symptoms of chronic and acute cholecystitis, and also recognize the methods of their treatment.

Symptoms of gallbladder inflammation

Acute cholecystitis arises suddenly when the patient does not suspect anything. Approximately 60% of cases of illness learned after overeating. However, this does not mean that a person fell ill after a festive table - the disease proceeded asymptomaticly, and now he made himself felt.

  • The first symptom becomes a stupid pain under the right edge.
  • For an hour, the pain is enhanced and becomes minor.
  • Surging pain in the neck or shoulder may appear.
  • Problems with gastrointestinal tract are beginning: diarrhea or constipation, or alternation of these symptoms.
  • In the language there is a bitter metal taste.
  • Sometimes the pain goes into sharp.

All these signs indicate the development of acute cholecystitis, if the patient decides simply pull out such symptoms, the disease quickly goes into a chronic stage, which is much more difficult to heal.

Symptoms of chronic gallbladder inflammation

Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder can be perceived by alternating acute stage and remission. During the acute stage, all the symptoms of the above item are repeated, the remission looks different:

  • The patient often torments belching and nausea.
  • Gases accumulate in the stomach, drowning is felt.
  • A stupid pain in the right side appears only after eating and takes place in a few hours.
  • Nausea can go into vomiting.

If for a long time not to pay attention to these symptoms, then there is a relapse:

  • The temperature of 38-39 degrees rises.
  • Starts vomiting.
  • Colics in the right side of the rib are amplified to painful.

In such a situation, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder

If you appeal to the doctor on time, the treatment is medicated by medication. The patient is discharged by antibiotics of a wide range of actions, as well as herbal fees and auxiliary drugs.

  • Also, therapy includes drugs to normalize bile. All treatment occurs under the closer supervision of Dr. Ambulatory, however, in practice, people are increasingly treated at home, fulfilling the prescriptions of the doctor.
  • However, if the cause of inflammation in the stones is established, then the patient will have to go through the operational removal of the stone. Tubage can be appointed - washing the choleretic paths to normalize processes.
  • One of the most important stages of the treatment of cholecystitis is a diet. It will be necessary to abandon greasy and fried food, strongly salted and sharp, absolutely all smoked, cheese, sausages, sweets and chocolate, all carbonated and pickled. On such a strict diet, the patient sits until complete recovery, after cure, it is better to adhere to the same instructions.

Remember that independently diagnose the cholecystitis and impossible to begin treatment. To identify it, a number of analyzes and diagnostics are carried out, and the tablets are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. To protect yourself from inflammation, eat right, lead an active lifestyle, give up fat food and alcohol, smoking, should not allow themselves to be harmful food even on a festive meal.

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Olga 10/20/2019 at 22:29

I am with inflammation of the bile even in the hospital traveled, so strong pains were. He was afraid that they would find stones and would be sent to surgery, but carried out, they did not find anything other than the strong stagnation of bile. The week was treated in the hospital, then moved to home regime. As advised by the attending physician, I saw Ovesol reinforced formula (bought through the site, a diet and intake of herbal pharmacy. It all helped together.

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