FROM FRAME FIRE - Symptoms and Treatment

FROM FRAME FIRE - Symptoms and Treatment

Most often, the face is activated on human lower limbs. This is an acute inflammation of the fat layer, breathtaking lymph. The disease is impossible to skip, since the symptoms are pronounced. The treatment is quite long, in particularly complex cases will have to morally sweat and tune in to recovery after 9 weeks. If the patient's medical intervention was postponed for various reasons, then the consequences of internal and external are necessarily.

Rigor inflammation of the leg - symptoms

Rozh - the result of fungus, injuries or even corns. Development promotes varicose veins, circulatory disruption in the legs. The patient suffers from chills, 40 with temperature, nonsense, weakness, vomiting or nausea, muscle spasms. These are precursors to emissions into the blood of toxins. Next, after 20 hours. The skin is poured with redness, the capillaries are expanding. After 10 hours. The surface is peeling. The stain can increase and raise, infecting healthy sections. The edges are uneven, pain appears, compresses.

It occurs with a reduced immunity from such diseases: AIDS, sinusitis, otitis, atherosclerosis, anemia, other. With lack of sleep, mental problems, alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco.


Independent treatment is unsafe for health, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary analyzes and medicines. When identifying the disease, the patient is hospitalized. Use antibiotics, ascorutin, nicotine acid, calcium, vitamins A (group B). A group of antibiotics: Penicillin (benzylpenicillin), leftomycetin (leftomycetin), tetracycline (doxycycline), macrolides (erythromycin).

UHF, UV irradiation is used 2 times in 12 months, dry heat.

Enhance immunity correctly selected nutrition. In the diet should be such products: vegetable oil, nuts, low-fat fish, meat, honey, pears, apples, currants, persimmon. Physical activity is also important, daily walks of 1 hour, yoga improves blood circulation.


Extremely effective ways of people's assistance came from Snagrai.

  • Balinted ointment: 100 g of lamp oil, 5 g of sugar sand and 100 g of wax. Boil the ingredients in the iron saucepan, cool. Ointment is stored for approximately 1 year in a glass jar. Smear 1 time in 2 hours.
  • Ointment from horse sorrel - root of sorrel Grind and pour the milk slightly above the level of the product. Cooking about 1 hour and insist before softening (6-7 hours). Next, drain the remnants of milk, attach the composition to the leg and tightly cover with polyethylene, impose a cloth bandage, leave warm on the day. After drying, prepare the following portion of ointment. Treatment by this method scares some of some, since at first provokes Naryvy. But this should not be afraid, the ulotniki pass, and with them and the face.
  • Grinding celery root 1 kg mixed with 500 g of honey, a plant with a golden mustache juice. Inuscible 2 weeks and take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
  • Compress - Pure Clear Powder Sprinkle on foot and slaughter with a towel. Leave for 8 hours before bedtime. Slightly removes the swelling, redness, knocks down the temperature.
  • In a sheet of burdock, small holes cut through the knife to the juice. Lubricate it sour cream and apply as a compress to an infected area. The procedure is carried out overnight.
  • In parallel, make a row of dope. Take 20 g of dope seeds, poured 350 ml of boiling water and insist 30 minutes. Before applying to dilute with water by 50%.
  • The natural antiseptic consists of collecting herbs that drink 100 ml before eating 4 times a day. Dried herbs: nettle, eucalyptus, licorice, heel, drying with boiling water 500 ml and insist in a thermos 30 min.
  • Famous compresses from the plantain disinfect. Collect preferably not in the factory territory and near the road. Leaves 7 pieces to grind in the meat grinder and making compresses, feeding the mixture to the corrosive inflammation. On 1 day you will need 21 sheets, 3 times a day.

It is advisable to ask his relatives about the course of the disease in the family. There are preventive tools that can help avoid or stop disease. Preventive options: to protect against bodily contacts with man suffering, reduce rubbing shoes, clothing. Often inflammation blooms in the summer and autumn period of the year, people in 40 years. It is not recommended to postpone the treatment of grinding inflammation.

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