How to treat swollen lymph nodes

How to treat swollen lymph nodes

Swollen lymph nodes is associated with a weak immunity. This problem is accompanied by weakness in the whole body, headache, fever and redness of the skin around the lymph node. The first step is to take action to eliminate the cause of the inflammation, and the second - to reduce inflammation arose.

Chicory. Take two teaspoons of instant chicory and pour them a glass of boiling water. If desired, you can sweeten the drink and add 50 g of syrup, juice, honey or sugar. If you have dried roots of chicory, fill them with two cups of hot water, boil for 10 minutes and strain. After half an hour the broth is ready for use.

Echinacea. It is an excellent disinfectant, so promotes rapid healing. Dilute 10 Echinacea Drops 50 g of water or juice. Take a tincture four to five times a day. You can also use dried crushed roots of Echinacea. Pour two cups of hot water and keep on a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool the infusion, strain and add boiling water to its original volume. Take 1 tbsp three times a day.

Blueberry. A natural antiseptic and antibiotic. In the treatment of colds and sore lymph nodes used blueberry broth. Take 50 g of dehydrated blueberries and fill them with a glass of boiling water. You can also boil the leaves of blueberries, which are no less useful. Two cups of boiling water pour 15 g of dried blueberry leaves. Strain the broth. After one hour, the beverage is ready for consumption. Take two tablespoons three times a day.

Celandine. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and bactericidal action. Take 50 g of dried celandine well grind it and pour cup of boiling water. Strain broth and take two or three times a day. Let the children reduced dosage. Prepare the broth so as to drink it immediately. For prolonged storage useful properties are lost.

Green jadeite. It has been proven that jade has the ability to purify the human body. Pick up the stone so that the size he was more inflamed site. Attach a stone to the affected area for 10-15 minutes. Already from the first procedure the patient should experience significant relief. Do this routine three times a day for as long as they get better.

Walnut leaves. Prescribed for infectious diseases. Take 1 tbsp dried leaves of walnut, cover them with a tight lid and boil for 15-20 minutes in 400 g of water. Strain broth and take it to 1 tablespoon three or four times a day. You can also add the broth into the bathroom while bathing.

Vitamin C has the property to increase the activity of white blood cells that help fight viruses. Take 250 mg of vitamin C three times a day. If you feel that this dose is not enough, try to increase it from 500 to 1000 mg. When serious illness vitamin dose increased to 2000 mg, but this dose has the right to appoint only a doctor.

Ointment. Periodically lubricate inflamed lymph nodes thin layer camphoric ichthyol or ointment. Perfect Vishnevsky ointment, which is endowed with antibacterial and disinfectant properties. To reduce inflammation quickly, apply compresses with ointment at night.

If the inflammation symptoms diminish within a few days, see your doctor. Most likely, he will appoint antibiotics or homeopathic remedies. After receiving antibiotics strengthen the immune system and periodically take vitamins.

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