How to treat snags

How to treat snags

Due to fine and sensitive skin, women and children most often face unpleasant, uncomfortable feelings in the corners of the lips. These can be wounds or cracks that not only spoil appearance, but also hurt very much. That is why it is important to know how to cure the snags quickly.

Most often, the cause of the occurrence of the bore becomes the lack of vitamins B, E, C or A, excessive use of alcohol, chronic respiratory diseases, metabolic disorders, or too much the amount of sugar-containing products in your daily diet. If you are unable to determine the reason for the appearance of it yourself, it is recommended to consult a doctor before they are treated for a comprehensive examination and passing the necessary analyzes. After the implementation of these events, the doctor will be able to assign you a course of treatment by passing which you fully get rid of this problem.

The course of treatment appointed by the doctor is reduced to the following - processing of the wound with fuccinic or alcohol solutions of aniline dyes. Apply the drug is necessary three or four times a day until the damaged area does not completely heal. In addition, the doctor will appoint you additional medicines that kill bacteria - causative agents of the disease. The complex of vitamins of the group B and PP prescribe to everyone who suffers from this disease.

But if you are confident that there are no serious diseases that caused the appearance of borrowings, you do not have - you can try to cure them yourself. The first thing to be done is to make every effort to strengthen the immune system. Try to use as much food as possible with a high content of vitamins and useful minerals - fruits, meat, fresh green and so on. In addition, daily walks in fresh air will also play a considerable role in this business.

To accelerate the treatment process, lubricate the damaged areas with alcohol-containing tincture. Do it need not less than 3 times a day. Try to prevent the burning of the lips, especially if the frost or strong wind outside the window, hygienic lipstick or ordinary petroleum will help you to cope with this task. To mitigate damaged areas, lubricate the wounds with oil solutions of vitamin E.

Decorations made from chamomile or calendula will also help you quickly get rid of the problem. For its manufacture, three teaspoons of grass pour with one glass of cold water, then put the solution on the stove and bring to a boil. Having waited until the decoction cooled, strain it, in the liquid cleaned from the grass, lower the piece of the wool, spinning slightly and attach to the damaged area for 10-20 minutes. Such a compress will not only moisturize the skin, preventing the appearance of new cracks, but also stops the further development of the disease.

In addition to the methods described above, in the fight against hires you can help usual garlic. Stit it on a shallow grater, after mixing the resulting cleaner with a small amount of sunflower oil. Fold the mixture on damaged areas. Wait 5 minutes, then wash your face thoroughly. Applying cucumber robbeans for 20-30 minutes also contributes to their speedy healing.

The tea tree essential oil is the most common way to deal with stairs. This is a natural natural product with colossal antiseptic properties. Its use allows to significantly reduce the healing time of inflamed areas. It should be applied for 5-10 minutes, 3-4 times a day.

Using one of the ways described above, or combining a few, you quickly get rid of painful sensations, causing the bonds in the corners of the lips.

Comments leave a comment
Elya 27/08/2021 at 1:43.

In my experience, the ointment is best helps from Zaed. She never failed me, enough for a few days to face and cracks in the corners of the lips.

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