What is snacks on the lips

What is snacks on the lips

The wound appeared on the lips, and you, as always, thought that this is because of the recently suffered a cold or in appetite something burned, do not give her attention to her. Do not be so careless, it is quite possible, you encountered stairs, and what it is, you can find out below.

Point of view of medicine

The hunch in medicine is referred to as the term Angular Stomatitis or Angular Haleitis - this is a disease of the mucous membrane, as well as the skin in the corners of the lips. It manifests itself as a small eczema on the outer and inner surface of the skin around the mouth. Basically, such factors contribute to this ailment as:

  • lack of vitamin B2;
  • maceration of salivary skin in the angles of the mouth;
  • diabetes;
  • long term treatment with antibiotics.

What are the races

Because two causative agents can cause such a parables, then the species have been born only two:

  • Streptococcal - provoke her streptococci (hence the name). Most often, this kind of point is celebrated by the children. Initially, phlikislotenses arise (bubbles) around the mouth, with a thin skin. At the expiration of a short period of time in place, where there was a bubble, a slotted wound is formed, with a circulating-purulent crust. If you remove it, a red wet liquid is fused out of the crack, and after 1-2 hours, it is again tightened with a crust. At the opening of the mouth, discomfort and painful sensations are quite possible.
  • Candidictic Zaza - caused yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. Initially, red brilliant erosion with "fringe" appears in the corners of the lips. This is a fringe macery epithelium. There are candidacy snacks with a gray-white bloom, which is easily removed. Corks like with streptococcal stairs not. Candidation of the disease in many cases is chronic.

How to appear on the lips

Cracks in the corners of the mouth are quite simple. The appeared snap can progress in two ways.

  • First. The skin around the lips is amazed by microbes. In this case, the Angular Haylit is superficial. With proper and timely therapy of such a process there is a quick relief of the resulting wound.
  • Second. Without therapy and proper care of the wound, the disease progresses and affects the deep layer of skin cover, which leads to the appearance of a painful crack. When the lesions of the skin reaches lymphatic capillaries, the discharges that extend around the wreck causing its seal and cutting are starting from the crack.
  • Complications. Frequently appear complications, in the process of which inflammation passes near the underlying areas of the skin. As a result, new cracks are formed, which are subsequently combined into one large eczema covered with a crust.

Teeth-Leachim-without Pain

What diseases are hiding under the symptom

Jumped up, and you do not pay attention to it? Do not joke with it. It is possible that the manifestation of Angular Stomatitis is a symptom, some kind of hidden illness. The symptom of "Zedy" is available in the following diseases:

  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Anemia.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Immune imbalance.

To determine possible diseases, it is necessary to hold a number of special laboratory studies. The essence of such studies is the analysis of the scope from the wound and the places of their manifestation. In addition to Soskoba, blood tests are taken to check the level of sugar and hemoglobin, in order to immediately strike sugar diabetes as a possible cause of the occurrence.

Where to appear from a healthy person

If still a person is healthy, but snapshots with obsessive perseverance appear, then such rules should be followed:

  • Do not use dirty (custom) dishes.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits before use.
  • Do not lick the lips.
  • Monitor the oral hygiene.
  • Do not overcap.

Such simple rules will reduce the risk of a rapid occurrence of 60%.

Watch out for changes in your body, follow the elementary hygiene rules, please contact medical institutions in time and wake up healthy.

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