Why lubs are cracked

Why lubs are cracked

The cracked lips are aesthetically unattractive and bring a lot of inconveniences due to swelling, feelings of excessive dryness, soreness and bleeding. Some people are constantly worried, and others are only within certain periods. Let's deal with the reasons for the appearance of cracks on the lips.

If the problem of the cracked lips is relevant for you all year round - pay attention to your health. One of the reasons for peeling the skin of lips, edema, furrow and cracks can be yeast-like mushrooms, herpes virus, staphylococcal infections and allergic reactions to cosmetic agents. In this situation, without medical care, you can not cope with your illness. The state of the skin of the lips without proper treatment will be exacerbated due to the constant traumatic external influence. The processes of regeneration of thinner delicate upper layers of the skin will be slowed down, and an unpleasant infectious process can join the cracks.

The appearance of cracks on the lips in adults and children due to the excessive exposure to the sun in summer, excess wind or cold in the winter season - the usual phenomenon. Everything is explained by the temperature drop and a decrease in the protective barrier of the lip shell due to the natural lack of the sebaceous glands. In this case, it will be enough to organize the correct care of the delicate skin (in the cool time of the year, we will remove from the habit of licking the lips, use hygienic lipsticks and moisturizing oils) and drink a sufficient amount of fluid (especially in summer).


Avitaminosis and as a result, a violation of metabolism is another factor provoking the appearance of cracks on the lips and in their corners. Increase the number of vegetables and fruit you consume, make an emphasis on the menu on the beef liver, porridge, juices and greens.

The appearance of unpleasant deep cracks and peeling on the lips may be a consequence of diseases accompanied by vomiting, a liquid chair, a high temperature or a rhino. The result of the loss of a large amount of moisture, in addition to all these unpleasant symptoms, there will be dehydration of the lips of the lips. All the manifestations of the disease will be taken if the treatment will include therapy to raise the immunity and normalization of the water-alkaline balance of the body.

Analyzing all of the above, we can draw conclusions that the skin of your lips will not be thrown away and crack if you are to avoid the impact on it of adverse factors and try to pay enough time and attention to care for her, because prevention is always on guard of your health and beauty.

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Ksenia 07/09/2021 at 2:19

I did not save balsam from dry skin and cracks on the lips of the skin. I only could be solved by this problem with the help of pharmacy ointment. He applied it in the morning and in the evening and the lips stopped stopped, the cracks were also dragging over and no more bother me.

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