Cracks of the corners of the mouth are signs of the illness of the skin, which in the scientific field is known as the angular stomatitis (it is also known as Haleoz or Haleitis). Despite the fact that the cracks in the corners of the mouth are not at all dangerous to health, they greatly interfere with everyday life. If you have cracked lips corners, you will hurt to talk, eat, smile and even at rest you can feel pain. Aesthetically, this problem is also very unpleasant.
Why the corners of the lips are cracked
As a rule, this symptom can rarely mean some of truly serious diseases, in fact does not threaten life. But to clarify this, you need to turn your attention to the solution of this problem. What if you crack the corners of the lips? What are the reasons for this process?
External factors:
- Cold, windy weather.
- Arid climate.
- Sunmented air indoors.
- Excessive stay in the sun.
- Arid climate.
- Sunmented air indoors.
- Excessive stay in the sun.
Internal factors:
- The presence of bacterial or fungal infection.
- Colds.
- With difficulty breathing through the nose (breathing through the mouth).
- Vitamins deficiency is also one of the most common causes of skin disorder - Haleit.
- The weakening of the immune system leads to a slower healing process of the body.
- Allergic reaction to poor-quality lipstick or balm.
- Various skin dermatitis.
- Allergic reactions to toothpaste.
Other factors:
- The reason for causing ulcerations in the corners of the mouth is the use of dentures. The main cause of cracks is the accumulation of saliva at the corners of the mouth. Due to the accumulation of saliva in this area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth, bacteria and mushrooms can be concentrated. And therefore, lead to skin infection. Older people are very prone to the cracks of the corners of the mouth. Why are they? Because most often use dentures.
- Corner Haylit may be caused by improper fit of dentures, as well as braces.
- Cracks of the angles of the mouth can be caused by increased salivation during sleep and permanent licking lips. People who have dry and irritated lips have a habit of constantly moisturize their lips, licking them. However, this is an unhealthy habit, because saliva is full of bacteria. Permanent licking will only create a moistened environment, which is favorable for the development of infection.
Prevention and treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips
- If there is a problem with cracks, it is best to exclude from your diet products that contain acid (oranges, tomatoes) or very carefully use them.
- It is important to make sure that there is no mechanical stimulus. A frequent reason for this is wearing braces and removable prostheses.
- In winter, protect the area of \u200b\u200blip lesions with a regular vaseline smear or lip balm. This will prevent contact with saliva and soften the skin in the corners of the mouth.
- A common mistake suffering from drying areas of the mouth is the effort to moisten the affected skin. In fact, you need to drink through the straw so as not to wet the corner of the mouth. Continue to do it until complete recovery.
- All these reasons are separate and all together cause this discomfort. Immediately when you found that you have cracked lips corners - try to take action immediately.
- In any pharmacy you can find a lot of medicines that should help you solve this problem. It is important to buy a drug that really heal will calm the sick skin and remove discomfort.
Remember the importance of the consultation of the doctor. Be healthy!
When we carry braces, the corners of the lips and the truth often crack, I know by yourself. But I have already learned how to fight this problem and as soon as the cracks appear, we immediately lubricate them with ointment. This ointment has a strong healing effect, so the cracks from it quickly pass.