Than treat snags on lips

Than treat snags on lips

The appearance is important for us when contacting other people and comfortable self-breaking. If pimples or wounds on the face appear, then we worry, fuss to cure them quickly, disguise.
Singing on the lips - not just wounds, they get sick, hurt, interfere with eating, laughing, talking. And hide them is not so easy.

Causes of snacks on the lips

Before proceeding to treatment, we define their reasons:
  • spring imminent immunity, avitaminosis;
  • the predominance of monotonous food in the diet or fastofud;
  • you used the subject of hygiene or lipstick along with another person;
  • the diseases of the gastrointestinal system or another internal organ;
  • malocclusion;
  • improper bracket care;
  • overly dry skin around lips;
  • supercooling of the body;
  • habit often lick lips.


Diagnosis of snacks on lips

The causative agents of unpleasant wound, guns and cracks on the lips are:
  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • mushrooms.
All of them safely dwell on the surface of your skin to a specific moment that launches their attack and flourished.
Distinguish the pathogen by the character of the wounds is simple:
  • itching and burning precedes the formation of a bubble with a liquid, which then burst and turns the crust - this is a herpes virus;
  • the bright red area, which over time is covered with a white bloom - this is a fungal infection;
  • a painful wound with boring blood from above, under which there is a crack - bacteria.
For more accurate diagnostics, make scraping in the laboratory.
It should be noted that the snaps are wounds only in the corners of the mouth, the wings of the nose. Herpes also has a property to manifest themselves on any plot of lips.

Treatment of snacks on lips

We proceed to treatment:
  • review your diet. It should have enough vitamins of the group in, iron and zinc;
  • think, how long have you been a complete survey of the body? Maybe the appearance of the occurrence is a signal to activate chronic disease;
  • buy a pharmacy vitamin complex or imostimuator, for example, Vitrum, Aflubin. Drive them to the course;
  • refuse bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • use hygienic lipstick to mitigate the skin and wound.
Depending on the nature of the origin of the bonds, such pharmaceuticals are shown:
  • Acyclovir, Zovirax, herpevir to suppress the action of the virus;
  • Miramistin, Fuccin, Ointment of Vishnevsky, Tetracycline, Teymur Ointment as antibacterial agents;
  • Clotrimazole, Miramistin - from fungi.

Saw 3.

Popular treatment of snacks on the lips

Folk Medicine recommends use to use:
  • ear sulfur for drying the wound;
  • tea tree oil, olive, sea buckthorn, linen for row and wipes of affected places;
  • a diet at which to exclude at the treatment time is sharp, bitter and sour from its diet;
  • butter, melted bee wax, honey to soften the corners of the mouth with stairs;
  • chamomile beams, calendula, cleanliness, sage, oak bark;
  • fresh juice juice, celandine, plantain, calene, garlic.

The appearance of the bumps do not need to be afraid. It is better to know how to restore your body and help him in the fight against their causative agents. Be healthy!
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Irina 11/08/2021 at 1:14

From the Zaed cool helps the ointment, I have already convinced about it. It contains vitamin A, which enhances skin regeneration. I lubricated this ointment corner of the lips several times a day and snaps quickly lit.

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