Cracks on the heels, how to treat

Cracks on the heels, how to treat

A significant part of people considers cracks on the heels simply ugly from an aesthetic point of view, not knowing that they bring a lot of suffering and pain. It is one thing when the skin was slightly dry and peel off, and another, when the crack in depth reaches 5 mm or more. This cosmetic deficiency appears at any time of the year both in women and men. When choosing an effective treatment regimen, you must first decide what reasons have led to the appearance of roughness and cracks.

The causes of cracks

The perpetrators of the occurrence of troubles with heels can be divided into several groups:

  1. Various skin diseases. It can be dermatitis, eczema, an allergic reaction, finally, fungal infections.
  2. Household factors. The most common of them are uncomfortable narrow shoes or sandals with an open heel, mechanical damage when walking, poor -quality socks, prolonged legs.
  3. Hormonal imbalance in women.
  4. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorder.
  5. Improper nutrition and as a result of a deficiency of vitamins.

A visit to a dermatologist

Only a specialist, after an examination and taking analyzes, will give an answer whether you have a fungal disease or not. If the reaction is positive, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, otherwise look for further.

Contact specialized doctors

To exclude more serious diseases, go through a complete examination by an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and gynecologist. Caring for health will not be superfluous.

Review the lifestyle

Adjust your diet, saturate it with products containing vitamins A, E, F, and sufficient amount of clean water. Excess weight also plays a negative role. Choose comfortable quality shoes paired with socks made of natural fabrics. If there is a predisposition to the appearance of cracks, use a silicone liner under the heel.

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Priority help

First of all, you need to soften the keratinized layer of the skin, and then remove it. Various baths and compresses do this task well. It is advisable to make them at night, putting on their feet ordinary coles and socks. The next morning, wash your feet and apply a moisturizer for the legs (balmed, raditi, clamp).

Recipes for mixtures against cracks on the heels:

  • Onion compress. To prepare it, grind 2 large bulbs and mix them with three tablespoons of birch tar. Lubricate the heels with this gruel.
  • Potatoes in the uniform. Boil 3-4 potatoes in a small amount of water and trample it. Pour the resulting puree into a basin with cold water and 1 tablespoon of soda. Get your legs for 5 minutes, and then rub with a pumice.
  • A decoction of Events. The whole strength of this healing plant is in the roots. Take them 2 tablespoons, put them in a thermos and pour with boiling water. After 12 hours, the infusion is ready. Use it as lotions or baths.
  • A compress of oatmeal and vegetable oil. Mix warm porridge with 3-5 tablespoons of sunflower or sea buckthorn oil, divide it into 2 bags and lower your legs there. Wash them with a towel for 2-3 hours.

What to do if the cracks on the heels are very deep

Large recesses in the heels cause severe pain while walking. To accelerate the positive effect of treatment, an unusual method of gluing cracks with medical supercliem is used. This tool is sold in every pharmacy. First, wash your legs well with antibacterial soap and wipe it dry. Then spread the torn edges of the skin and apply a few drops of glue along the wound. Combine the edges of the crack and wait until it glues. So the inner fabric heals faster and does not inflam. After about a week, begin to steam your legs and gradually remove the dead epidermis.

So simple, observing the diet, wearing proper shoes, taking vitamins and periodically caring for your feet, you will get rid of cracks on the heels.

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