How to treat cracked rear pass

How to treat cracked rear pass

Unpleasant sensations and scarlet bleeding from anus frighten a person. These are the first signs of the resulting cracker of the rear pass. Yet many prefer to delay the solution to this delicate problem, shy to ask for help. In this case, try to treat the crack yourself, if the result does not follow - consult a doctor.

The main task in the treatment is to soften the wheel masses so that the wounds have time to burn. To do this, change your meals:

  • exclude products causing constipation - bananas, flour, smoked sausages;
  • more use boiled beets, pay attention to the compote from dried fruits, kefir with bran, coarse bread;
  • from morning an empty stomach drink 2-3 cups of liquid.

Equipped the blood flow in the pelvis the following exercises:

  • Squeeze the muscles of the rear pass on 5 seconds and set up. Repeat 10 times.
  • Going to your back, make your feet in the knees. On the breath lift the buttocks, lower the exhale.

In the morning, in the evening and after every trip to the toilet, make seating baths. In the pelvis pour warm water. Add decoction from chamomile, calendula, yarrow. A comfortable water temperature is considered to be 39 ° C. Sit the buttocks in the pelvis for 15-20 minutes.

Candles have a wound healing effect. They are used 2 times a day, after an act of emptying the intestines. For example, candles with sea buckthorn are shown during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period. Women of these categories are often tormented by constipation, and as a result, the rear pass cracks appear. Anesthetic candles are also introduced into an anal passage: ultrafrokt, salofalc or proctoglynol.

Prepare broth for tampons. Take 1 tbsp. Motherman, immortelle and hormour. Fill 100 ml of boiled water. Put in a warm place for 30 minutes. Cut the square of the gauze 5 * 5 cm. Take a small piece of watts, put in the center of gauze, roll into the tube. Get labeled tampon and insert into an anal hole for 3 hours. It is better to lie in this period so that the mixture does not flow. Procedure make 3-4 times all week.

If the disease is a protracted chronic character and all methods give a short-term result, consult a proctologist. It will appoint conservative treatment with the help of Novocaine alcohol blockade. The crack area is 1 cm inserted a needle with a novocain solution, and then a alcohol solution. Within two weeks put the patient of the enemas. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The most radical method of treatment is the operation under local anesthesia. Either stretch the sphincter to remove spasm. Or carry out the excision crack by a surgical laser.

In order not to start the disease, better contact a specialist. Signs of anal cracks similar to the symptoms of hemorrhoids and oncological diseases.

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Valera 07/12/2019 at 8:48.

I have this infection because of chronic constipation appeared. With him, all the same was able to cope with him (the benefit of Fillax helped), but the cracks did not pass the cracks for a long time ... with all sorts of different gels. It's good that everything remains in the distant past. I do not advise anyone with such a face at all ...


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