How to treat hemorrhoids at home

How to treat hemorrhoids at home

Not every patient is ready to go to the doctor so that he appointed treatment from hemorrhoids. If you are among these shy people, we will tell you how to cure hemorrhoids.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home by pharmaceutical preparations

Hemorrhoids happens different: internal, external, with bleeding or cracks. Each case requires the use of a certain preparation in the form of candles and ointments. Candles are inserted into the rear pass overnight, and the ointment first imposes on a gauze tampon, and then it is already fitted on the affected place and is fixed with dense underwear.

Pharmaceutical agents at mild hemorrhoids

With a slight discomfort in the rear pass, these drugs can be used:

  • Candles "Hepatrombing" or "Nigepan". Both drugs contribute to the resorption of small thrombus and do not give to form new.
  • Ointment "Heparinovaya" is also used for small nodules, but only outdoor.

Pharmaceutical agents with hemorrhoids with pain

During significant pains, painkillers are well helped. Different preparations contain different anesthetics (lidocaine, neomycin, benzocaine, etc.). This group includes such candles: Emla, Relief Advance, Anesthet. From the ointments, you can recommend the same Nigepan, processed L, Olezin.

Pharmaceutical agents with hemorrhoids with bleeding

If hemorrhoids are accompanied by bleeding, it must be treated with stronger candles. There are hemostatic drugs in their composition. Candles of this series: Protto-Gillienol and Relief.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home by folk methods

Folk medicine is also not standing aside and offers fairly cheap, but effective methods. The only thing that I would like to pay attention to that the herbs and other similar means can be tried to cure the light shape of hemorrhoids. With drop-down nodes, bleeding or burning pains, it is better to use candles or ointments that have passed official registration.

Broth onion husk

Take five large pests of dry onion husk and pour it with two liters of steep boiling water. When the water turns into a brown color and becomes a comfortable temperature, recover it into the basin and sit in it. Tim-minute husks are made every night for a week.

Garlic fuming

Three large cloves of garlic distortion finely. On the gas stove or in the oven split the usual red brick. Place it in a zinc bucket, and on top of a brick put a garlic. The edges of the bucket wrap with a soft cloth, such as the old handkerchief. Sit on the bucket and sit until the heat stops from the brick. Procedure do before bedtime. Course duration - 7-10 days.

Potato applications

Clear potatoes from the peel and soda it on a shallow grater. Wrap the potatoes in several layers of a wide bandage and attach this compress to the patient. Make potato applications for the whole night, and in the morning, wash the chamomile decoction. The course of treatment is from 1 to 2 weeks.

Romashkovy candles

One spoon with a dry pharmaceutical chamomile fill 50 ml of boiling water and put in a warm place for 30 minutes. In the infusion, strain and pour into a medical rubber attack - you can buy it in any pharmacy. An attack tie a thread and send it to the freezer. When a home candle freeze, remove the attack from it and use the same as a pharmacy candle. Do it overnight and be sure to store a special diaper for absorbing moisture or glued. Homemade candles can use alternating them with onion baths or garlic fumigations.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are formed in those people who have very weak vessels - when weaving the blood, it presses on the walls and then their protrusion occurs with the inner filling of blood clots. If your body is inclined to the formation of hemorrhoidal cones, follow these rules:

  • With sedentary work every hour, get up and make several slopes and squats. Exercises are focused on 5-7 minutes.
  • Never raise gravity. To postpone a difficult subject, be sure to call the assistant or trust this case by loaders.
  • Take the rule every evening to wash the back pass of cool water.
  • Use many products rich in fiber: vegetables, fruits, cereals. Plant fiber prevents constipation.

The article is familiarized in nature, any treatment must appoint a doctor. Tightening a visit to a proctologist is fraught with even the operation, and you need it?

Comments leave a comment
Alina 07/12/2019 at 8:48.

In any case, an integrated approach is important. I was treated by candles, but at the same time I also took Filiblax (I ordered a, it turns out so more profitable). He helps the chair to alleviate, and this is how important it is when hemorrhoids come across. Only it was possible to move it least to be painless ... It's good that all the same was able to get rid of it.


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