To which doctor to handle with hemorrhoids

To which doctor to handle with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a very unpleasant disease, while very intimate. Not everyone sick is ready to go to the doctor, trying to cope with the problem. And this is in vain - a doctor on the doctor to treat not only the usual cold, but also such "uncomfortable" hemorrhoids.

If you suspect that you have hemorrhoids, then you need to go to a narrow directory specialist - a proctologist. Only a proctologist can prescribe adequate treatment or send to another adjacent doctor, surgeon. It turns out if hemorrhoids are running, it may even be necessary for the operation that the surgeon will do.

Hemorrhoids is nodes filled with blood and are located or inside the rear pass (internal hemorrhoids), or outside (outer hemorrhoids). And if the outer can be seen independently, then the inner will only detect a proctologist who examines the patient with the help of special medical instruments and devices.

The proctologist will also prescribe a treatment, which, depending on the stage, can be absolutely different. These are candles, and baths, and tampons with ointment. In order not to bring your body to that stage, when drug treatment does not help and the nodes will have to remove surgically, go to a proctologist as soon as certain problems feel:

  • Burning and pain in the rear pass, especially when defecated;
  • Bleeding from the rear pass;
  • Discomfort, manifested in the presence of foreign education (node) outside the passage.

Hemorrhoids can threatens to those people whose work is associated with a long seat: accountant, system administrators, office workers, etc. Constant blood stagnation in the field of small pelvis leads to the formation of hemorrhoids. Also, people who often raise gravity, such as builders or athletes, fall into the risk group. Very often, hemorrhoids are observed in women immediately after delivery, during which she had to be very stirred - the blood sticks to the vessels located in the field of a small pelvis and stretch them very much.

Today's medicine is much more efficient than even 10 years ago. And if you happened to hemorrhoids, you can cure him in a very short time, the main thing is not to tighten with a campaign to the proctologist. And the sooner you visit the proctologist, the less likely to meet the surgeon later. Be healthy!

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Inna 07/12/2019 at 8:49.

In my case a proctologist helped. Fortunately, competent caught. I advised me not just candles, but Filiblax must be taken to make it easier to facilitate. If it were not for pain, it would just be crazy, not otherwise. So it's important to approach from all sides to solve the problem to approach ... and a good doctor to look for, of course.


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