How to drink gelatin for joints - reviews doctors

How to drink gelatin for joints - reviews doctors

Food gelatin, from which we make a delicious jelly and add to the chill - this is a valuable source of useful substance - collagen. Every year the amount of collagen in the body slowly decreases, and the person begins to feel weakness, pain in the joints appear. You can avoid malaise if you drink gelatin.

Which represents gelatin for joints

The connecting tissue of animals, which passed preliminary training and thermal processing is food gelatin. You can buy it in stores. This is a crystalline powder of a yellowish shade. As soon as we dissolve the gelatin water, the crystals dissolve, and the gelatin will turn into a viscous substance.

If we talk about gelatin, as a useful product, then this substance is a denatured collagen, it has a lot of protein and proteins that it is necessary for a person.

Most recently, scientists came to this conclusion that food gelatin can be used as a prophylactic means of osteoarthritis and the destruction of the cartilage joints. Regular use of gelatin made a positive effect - the mobility of the joints recovered, the muscles strengthened.

How to drink gelatin for joints. Recipes

What is needed for treatment? Only water and food gelatin. It will take only 5 g of powder, which you need to fill with water in the evening (cold!), The amount of water is 100 g., Put the mass for the night so that it swells. In the morning you need to place a container with food gelatin on a water bath to warm up. It is necessary in order to completely dissolve all gelatin grains. The most important thing is that you cannot bring the mixture to a boil, otherwise the benefit will not be.

Drinking this solution is needed half an hour before the first meal. A mixture of frankly speaking is not delicious, so it is better to dissolve in juice or compote. The course of treatment is a month, then a break of 3 months and again you can repeat the monthly course.

How to make gelatin in dry form? If there is no time to dissolve gelatin in water, then you can drink and dry the mixture, for this you need to pour the same 5 g of gelatin with warm water and, without waiting for dissolution, drink this drink. Together with the gelatin powder, you need to drink ascorbic acid tablet, it helps to dissolve crystals. The course of treatment is the same.

If you are an amateur jelly, then you can make a delicious dessert of low fatty milk, sugar and gelatin. It will take 2 tsp. Food gelatin, 150 ml of milk (cold) and some sugar (1-2 tsp). Instead of sugar, you can add a little honey.

Leave the container with the ingredients for 1 hour, then you need to put a bowl with a gelatin mixture on a water bath and warmer on slow heat until the crystals are completely dissolved. You can not bring to a boil! As soon as the gelatin is dissolved, you need to remove the container from the water bath, pour in forms, put in the refrigerator. This is a single portion that you need to eat in the morning before breakfast.

Recommendations for doctors to gelatin for joints

From gelatin, you can make compresses, but this is already an integrated approach that specialists say. Of course, if you only do some compresses, then the situation will not improve, the problem will remain, except that the pain calms down.

How to make compresses from gelatin:

  • take a wide bandage or a cut of gauze, fold into several layers (up to 5);
  • prepare hot water to moisten the bandage in it;
  • between the layers of the bandage or gauze cut slicer, pour gelatin powder, distribute that the layer is smooth;
  • to the patient, the place can be attached additionally 1 tsp. gelatin powder, apply a binding bandage, polyethylene and wind the place with an elastic bandage;

Making compresses needed for a month. In general, doctors do not have anything against the gelatin intake, only recommended to combine drug treatment with folk methods to strengthen the effect. It is necessary to take drugs appointed by the attending physician, to go to physiotions, make compresses and take gelatin cocktails.


Contraindications to gelatin for joints

With such diseases, it is undesirable to take gelatin:

  • liver disease, stomach, rock formation in the bustling bubble;
  • oxalate stones - absolute contraindication;
  • a tendency to the formation of blood clots, because the gelatin thickens blood;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • intestinal diseases, in particular - hemorrhoids.

Comments leave a comment
Galina 15/07/2020 at 13:24

While the gelatin is soaring, while you cook something edible ... Mobile many, although healthy. Well, in the pharmacy for sale collagen marmalade berries from Evalar, produced in the form of chewing pupins. I do not buy the first month, significantly improves the state of the joints.

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