Despite the fact that on average, a person must drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, many prefer to drink other liquids, for example, tea, coffee or juices. At the same time, they sincerely understand what could be the use of ordinary clean water. And the benefit is still there, and significant.
The most important thing is that it makes water for a person - helps to remove slags from the body in the form of urine and sweat. First of all, precisely because of this, it is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid daily. Water makes the skin of the face elastic and beautiful. In people who drink enough pure water, as a rule, there are practically no problems with pimples, dry skin or early wrinkles.People who drink little useful fluid usually give dull brist hair, dry skin and unhealthy complexion. If you do not want to fall under these descriptions, but on the contrary, you want to look fresh and attractive - draw conclusions and try to drink a glass of clean water instead of another cup of coffee.