How to drink seed flax

How to drink seed flax

The linen seed has long been used in food to get rid of various diseases, it was widely used in the preparation of a variety of dishes, used in the form of flour, prepared porridge from it. In our article, we will tell about the beneficial properties of this product and how to drink flax seed to apply all his therapeutic properties.

Good quality Flax seed should be brilliant, crumbly, have a durable shell. The taste of seeds should be pleasant, crisp. It is important: to store flax seeds and foods cooked from it (flour, oil), as it is the richest storehouse of plant fat, and when the source of light appears, bitterness appears. Store such a product is best in a dark cool place.

In addition to polyshricted fatty acids, flax seeds are rich in insoluble fiber, vitamins, amino acids, microelements, gluten. Its enveloping, cleansing, antibacterial, sorption, softening and bactericidal properties provided it with a title of a unique nutrobe, which is qualitatively and fully capable of improving the human body.

You can use flax seeds in a natural non-crushed form, like a mixture with wheat or buckwheat flour, like butter or as tincture, tea, mucous or ordinary decoction. Before taking the flax seed, decide for myself, for what purpose you will do it, as the prevention and treatment of them are equally different in the number of used the product, and according to the time interval of its use. For prophylactic, there will be 5-10 g of flax seeds per day, for treatment - up to 50 g (1 tbsp. L. Twice a day). Please note that when drinking flax seed has limitations and contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions or intolerance of the product;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • Urol and bile sickness;
  • Chronic and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis).

The easiest and most affordable option for receiving the flax seed is the use of the desired amount in the ground immediately before receiving the form or integer - adding to food or drinks (ordinary water, cyvel, dairy products, first dishes, tea).

Decorations, kislets and infusions from flax seed are preparing quickly, have a pleasant unusual taste and possess indisputable healing properties. Apply proven recipes for certain diseases:

  • To raise immunity - 1 tsp. Crumpled seed mixed with honey, 2-3 times a day, eat daily, sprinkling fluid abundantly.
  • With diabetes - 3 h. Fill with cold water, insist 3-4 hours, take a fluent infusion before bedtime.
  • To purify the kidneys and bladder - pour 1 tbsp. l. Flax seeds Grooved boiling water, insist the night in the thermos, the resulting kissel dug out during the day for 2-3 receptions.
  • Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases - 2 tbsp. l. Grinding in a blender seeds pour a glass of boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes, take in small portions.
  • Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies - 1 h. Flax seeds pour boiling water (100 ml), shack the prepared mixture for 15 minutes, take it warm in 30 minutes before meals.
  • For the soft cleansing of the thick and small intestine from the mucus, the accumulation of feet masses, parasites - during the first week instead of breakfast eaten 100 g of kefir with 1 dessert seed spoon, the second week the number of seeds increase to 2 spoons, the third week - to three. Important! With this treatment method, observe the drinking mode.
  • As a laxative - fill in a thermos 1 tsp. Seed 100 ml of boiling water, insist 4-5 hours, drink all the infusion before bedtime and eat seeds. For children, half dose is allowed.
  • For the purpose of weight loss - overnight, fill in thermos 400 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. Flax seeds, take 100 ml food cooked before eating.

Flax seeds are used in eliminating outdoor problems. With the help of it, the skin diseases, burns, heel spurs, climb, are eliminated by the treatment of skin diseases. Compresses help with joint diseases. Tinstures are used in rinsing oral cavity and throat with different inflammatory processes.

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