How to drink fish oil

How to drink fish oil

Fish fat is an extremely useful natural substance extracted from cod liver. This product is enriched with vitamins A and D, as well as fatty acids of Omega-3, necessary for our health. But, despite all its beneficial properties, his incorrect reception can entail the stomach disorder or the offensive of other negative consequences. To avoid this, you need to clearly know how to drink fish oil.

Before starting to take fish oil, you must consult with your doctor. The dosage of this product is established individually in each case and depends on gender, weight, age, health status and mass of other factors. Today, this substance is implemented in two forms - gelatin capsules filled with the product, and in the form of a liquid, spilled on the bottles.

If fish oil has to take a child up to a year, then, most likely, the daily dose will be six or ten drops, which should be drunk for two receptions - in the morning and in the evening. If the child is older than one year, then the daily rate will be a teaspoon. Preschoolers can give two spoons, and children over seven years old - three teaspoons twice a day. In order to get rid of the natural smell and taste of this product, manufacturers add food flavors to it, which makes this medication more enjoyable.

The dosage of the product packaged in the capsule is due to their size and, as a rule, is indicated on a package or leaflet-liner. Most often, such a packaging is focused on adults, and the daily dose of the product is about six capsules, which should be taken three times a day for two pieces.

To obtain the maximum result and preventing the onset of negative consequences, it is not enough to know one dosage only. It must be remembered about the complex of other requirements, which must be compliance during the reception of fish oil:

  • Eating this product is recommended directly during food, along with salads or first dishes.
  • One-time reception will not bring any result - fishery need to drink systematically for one or two months. However, to exceed this period should not be accumulated in the body of vitamin A can cause its toxicity.
  • It is impossible to take fish oil on an empty stomach, because it may cause problems with digestion. The overdose of the product can lead to painhers in the abdomen, nausea or diarrhea. In order to get rid of them, you should stop receiving the product.
  • The drug should not be used to people with an excessive function of the thyroid gland, stones in the kidneys or a bustling bubble. From the use of the product, you should refuse to people with the individual intolerance to this product, as well as those in whom in the body an increased calcium content.

The right reception of fish fat will help you get rid of excess weight, improve the immune system, enrich the body with vitamins, speed up the process of recovery and improve overall well-being in general.

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Irina 06/17/2019 at 16:51

In instagram, the post about the benefit of fish oil was caught, i.e. Omega 3. I sit and think, why am I not accepting it?

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Darya 06/18/2019 at 13:45.

I do not know, Irina, why you do not accept, I have been receiving the courses for quite a long time by the courses. Very useful vitamin in our organism, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, doctors recommend to take it. But I know the girls and for weight loss and for skin and hair take, a lot of usefulness in one word.

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Sterina. 13/11/2020 at 15:13

Thanks. I also recommended Fishe Fir Fat. Two years ago, it was often sick. Then the cold, then sinusitis. Although before this was not there. We moved to another region, and the immune system was visible. The Evalarovsky concentrate of fish oil omega-3 took, now it is now every year and drink. Very good quality and dosage high.

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