How to find out the percentage of fat in the body

How to find out the percentage of fat in the body

The percentage of body fat is the main indicator, with which you can determine the exact amount of excess weight. For proper measurement of the level of fat, there are several simple methods available to every wishes to lose weight.

Measurement of fat percent in the body

This method is carried out only visually. Go to the mirror and carefully examine your figure, find a similar physique in the table, and you will see what you have a percentage of fat. Remember that the level of fat is considered obesity over 30%.

Measurement of fat percent in the body ruler

In this case, the percentage of fat can be measured both with the help of a special apparatus - Caliper, and with the help of a simple line, as well as caliper. To do this, stand exactly, on the right side of the navel, measure the distance of 10 cm. At this place, you hold down the skin fold and measure its thickness. See the table in the table.

Calculation of a percentage of fat in the body on a special calculator

In a calculator, automatically counting the percentage of fat in the body, all the necessary formulas have already been laid. You just need to substitute your body parameters to the specified cells and after a second your fat level will be known.

Measurement of fat percent in the body using current

Bioimpened - the most accurate way to determine the percentage of fat in the total mass of the body. His error varies from 1% to 2%. Minor current pulses sent by the special apparatus acquire a different speed of passage depending on the volume of the fat layer. It is considered the less fat, the current passes faster. The advantages of the analyzer device is that along with the definition of the percentage of fat, it shows many other important indicators, for example, calorie rate and the ratio of various elements.

Measurement of fat percent in the body in water

In some clinics, the measuring level is practiced due to the index of the buoyancy of the fat. The procedure is that the patient is completely immersed in a bath, filled with water several times, after which experts are calculated by the percentage of fat in the body.

So we looked at all ways to determine the percentage of fat in the body. Remember that the maximum safe fat volume for women is 10-15%, and for men - 5%. If you have found smaller indicators, you must increase the fat component, otherwise there is a risk of worsening health.

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Lana 05/10/2020 at 13:41

Itself half a year ago was checked ... the percentage was 28. Multi-aid. Dietologist advised not to neglect additives that help burn fat. Food and Sport is, of course, well ... But I myself have noticed a much greater effect after the Lipotropic Evalarov lipotropic factor has become on a regular basis. He and the price is quite acceptable, by the way. Particularly, if you order a phytomarket in the online store. All the same, it is important to be comprehensively to solve any problem approach ... only then there will be results)) Now the percentage of fat is already 22, which can not but rejoice))


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