How do you know your biological age

How do you know your biological age

We know that it is impossible to judge the chronological age of the person by his appearance and physical data. Because these factors are determined by biological age. Biological age - this is the age of the body, as far as he is strong and healthy. Accordingly, the more years the body, the less functional. In this article, we will discuss how to calculate the biological age.

We calculate the biological age of individual body parts and characteristics


Pinch itself with back of the hand for 5 seconds. Next Race against the clock, how many seconds the skin lies flat. When she straightened for 6-8 seconds - that her 30 years; 9-12 seconds - 40 years; for 13-15 seconds - 50 years; for 16-19 seconds - 60 years. Seriously think about the skin condition is worth it if it is not straightened more than 20 seconds: in this case, her 70 years.

Nervous system

Your assistant should hold before you pyatidesyatisantimetrovuyu line vertically with the end with a mark of 50. Your hands should be omitted. Assistant down the line, and you catch it between thumb and forefinger. Next, look at what mark you have managed to do it. If you grabbed the line at the level of less than 20 cm, then your nerves 20 years; at around 30 cm - 30 years; 35 cm - 40 years; 40 cm - 50 years; 45 cm - 60 years. And if they do not have time to catch it, then the age of your nervous system is equal to 70 years.

The cardiovascular system

Count your pulse. Then do 20 sit-ups as quickly as possible. Count the pulse. What is the difference between the new and the old heart? If it is small (up to 10 strikes), then your cardiovascular system for 20 years. If the difference between the pulses in 11-20 strokes - 30 years, 21-30 strokes - 40 years; 31-40 strokes - 50 years; 41 or more strokes - 60 years; and if unable to sit down all the time 20 - 70 years.


While lying down, tear off your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor, but so that the lower back pressed to the floor remained. You can help yourself in the performance of exercises with hands or feet. The best result is considered to be 40 repetitions of the exercise: In this case your muscles for 20 years. And worst of less than 12 times - then the muscles 70 years. If the exercise is performed 35 times, the muscles of 30 years; 28 times - 40 years; 23 times - 50 years; 15 times - 60 years.

Respiratory system

Light a candle and try to repay her breath, standing from her as far as possible. If you did it, is 100 cm from the candle - your lungs 20 years; 80-90 cm - 30 years; 70-80 cm - 40 years; 0-70 cm - 50 years; 50-60 cm - 60 years; 49 cm or less - 70 years.


Close your eyes and stand on one leg, the other in the lower leg rest against the first. Note the time, during which you will be able to stand so. If such a rack, you can stay for more than 30 seconds - your balancing 20 years; 25 seconds - 30 years; 20 seconds - 40 years; 15 seconds - 50 years; 10 seconds or less - 60 years; You can not stand on one leg - 70.


Take a book or any other item that is legible and written in normal font text. How far you can see in this text? If a distance of 10 cm, then your eyes 20 years; 15 cm - 35 years; 100 cm - 60 years.

The biological age of the whole organism

Based on the results of the preceding paragraph

Add up all of the results from the previous point and divide the sum by 7. The resulting number - is your approximate biological age.

Learn biological age using tests

Find your approximate age can also pass special tests on the Internet. The most truthful are the following sites with tests of biological age:,

Always strive to ensure that your biological age was small. Then you will not only be an example to follow, but also direct evidence that it is possible and without expensive creams advertised look fresh.

Comments leave a comment
Rita 07.10.2020 at 22:26

Interesting testing options, it will be necessary to try at leisure. I hope that at the expense of a healthy lifestyle and regular reception of vitamins, the organism's bioviorn is less than the numbers in the passport). Speaking of vitamins, to maintain health and longevity, take an antioxidant formula from Evalar. Bought due to the complex composition: vitamins + minerals + amino acids.

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