How to find out how old the cat

How to find out how old the cat

How to find out the age of your favorite pet? Usually the owners know how old a cat or cat, but this question remains relevant for those owners who picked up their pets on the street.

If you do not know the age of your pet for different reasons, you can find out on your own. It is known that the average life expectancy of the cat or cat at home is about 18 years, and on the will less: 10-12 and even 16-17 years. It all depends on the conditions of residence and lifestyle of the animal.

Find out how old the cat on the teeth

The first way to find out how many years your pet is carefully studying the oral cavity. You can find out the age of cat or cats in the teeth and their location. This is especially true of the front cutters. If there is no smooth edge or they erased evenly, then this means that your pet is approximately 5-6 years.

At the age of 10, the cat begins the loss of teeth and this process does not remain unnoticed.

Although not to guess, there is an accurate scheme that specialists in veterinary clinics are guided:

  • If milk teeth cut down, then the pet turned 1 month.
  • The complete change of dairy teeth occurs in 5 months or in 6, and this process begins at 3 months.
  • The central cutters on the lower jaw to 1.5 years are erased.
  • The middle cutters on the lower jaw erase to 2.5 years.
  • By 3.5 years erasing the cutters on the upper jaw (central).
  • By 4.5 years - the middle cutters are erased on the upper jaw.
  • In 5 years, the first changes appear on the fangs - the surface becomes shroud.
  • Upper extreme cutters begin to emit to 6 years.
  • By 7 and 8 years, medium-sized central cutters on the lower jaw change significantly.
  • The cross-rubbing surface of central cutters undergoes changes to 9 years.
  • The central cutters fall out to 10 years or two years later.
  • All the cutters can fall out at 12 years or from 12 to 15 years of life of the animal.

Cats live an average of 15 years, but in our history there were cases when the animal has lived up to 30 years. This is a record and if you define the age of pets on the teeth, doubt, you need to take into account his lifestyle, because the cutters can fall out faster or slower.

Find out how old a cat in sex ripening

In this way, you can find out the age of your cat or cat. Cat ripen by 9 months, and cats for 7-8 months. If you have taken an adult animal from the street, then you will wait for these signs and from this moment you can count.

Remember that some animals ripen earlier than the specified terms and already at 6 months ready to acquire offspring. So in any case, the exact age you do not determine, but with a small error in a few months - it is probably.

How to find out how old the cat

If you look into your mouth, the pet is very problematic, then you can determine the age of pet for other features:

  • pay attention to the cat's wool. A young cat is thin and soft, literally silky. Every year she gristes and can darken if the cat is light color and blighted if the animal is dark color. Separate gray hairs appear and even whole areas;
  • the eyes of the young animal are clear and clean, as well as bright. But with age, they become muddy, the color of the iris is changing.

How to find out how old the cat is about the age of man

Many people compare the age of the animal with their own and multiply this figure to "7", thus getting the age of the cat. But, according to experienced fellinologists, this is not the case, because the age of the animal can be compared only with the age of the same animal, but the counting can be carried out, only they will be somewhat different.

Experts believe that 1 year of the cat is needed to equate to 15 calendar years (or human life).

And then everything is interesting:

  • if a person is 24 years old, then the animal will be only 2 years;
  • 3 years and so for 12 years each year add to 4 years. It turns out this: 12 feline years is 64 human;
  • after 12 years of life of the animal year, it is true: for 1 year 3 people are given.

The scheme is somewhat strange, but this is an excuse, because up to 8 years old the cat reaches middle age, and then gradually aging. But if your pet looks great and pleases you with active behavior, then the pet's age in this case is very conditional.

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