How to find out the postcode at the address

How to find out the postcode at the address

You want to send an email to your friend, but do not know what the index write on the envelope? In this article, we will deal with how to find out the exact index of the post office of any settlement at the address.

Find out the postal code in the post office

Before sending a letter, ask employees of the mail index directory. It contains the postal codes of all settlements of Russia, so you can easily find the city's index in which your friend lives. Will not be superfluous if you specify the found index from mail employees. This way of searching the index is considered the most traditional.

Find out the postal code by calling the post office

If there is no desire to go to the mail, then you can find out the necessary information by calling there. Name the post office of the city and the street (sometimes it may be necessary at home), where your friend lives. Ask the employee to tell you the post office index, which provides services to people living at this address. After that, you will communicate the desired index.

Find out the Postal Code through the electronic directory of the indexes of the Russian Federation

With the advent of the Internet, there is no longer any need to go to the post office to learn the index of this or that locality. You can get the necessary information without getting up from the chair. To do this, go to any of the following addresses:, http://index.spravki.net The rules for using these sites are the same: click on the name of the region you need, then you choose the city or district. Near the city or district will be written by the Zip Code. If in the settlement of several post offices, see also indexes that are indicated for its streets. The fact is that the streets can be served by different post offices, and therefore, and differ from each other by index (more often than two digits).

Other Internet resources to learn the index

There are also Internet sites that allow us to learn the index. Just enter in the search bar of any browser "Find out the postal code". As a result, we will be given web pages, entering which you can find out this necessary information. They differ from electronic reference books by the fact that they are less accurate: on some, for example, only the index of one of the post offices of the city is indicated.

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So, we found out how to find out the postcode to the address. Treat carefully to writing an index before sending a letter, because otherwise your letter will fall to the addressee far from immediately.

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