Find out the number and address of the ATM may be required for a number of reasons. Here a lot depends on the bank to which the device owns. Below we describe in detail how and what data you can completely freely get.
How to find out the Data Data?
If you know what bank is the ATM, the whole process is greatly simplified. Go to the official website of the company on the Internet and find the page with the list of offices and ATMs. For example, it is located for Sberbank here. Choose your city and region, as well as the type of services. In addition, the specific number of an ATM will be listed in the discharge on the map, recorded in the history of the online office, sometimes - listed on the check (carefully examine all three of these features and be sure to find the answer to your question). If, when contacting the bank, you get a negative answer (employees do not know the addresses \\ ATM numbers), most likely you just chose the wrong department. You need to turn to the department of remote channels, whose specialists are responsible for installing and maintaining such equipment.
Before you begin a self-search job, you should know exactly why you need it. For the sake of loss of curiosity, most likely, the information cannot be obtained. Data on ATMs will be quickly provided to officials, ministers of the law or on special requests.