How to find out the SNILS number

How to find out the SNILS number

SNILS is an insurance card of the green color, which is given to all citizens. On it all information about the owner (FULL NAME, date and year of birth, personal account number). This testimony is needed for a device to work, as the head of the Organization makes transfer to the owner of SNILS. The future employee pension depends on the state of the insurance number. And what if you do not know the number or do you have it?

Well, if you have a card on your hands, it is easy to find out the 11-digit number on the front side. Externally, it looks like this: 123-456-789 45, the first nine may be arbitrary, and the last two digits are calculated by a special scheme.

If not in the hands of the insurance certificate, then go to the personnel department or accounting department, there they will provide data, since they should have a spils photocopy.

If the document is lost, you will have to contact the Pension Fund (PF). For a hike in the PF, a passport will be required. Be sure to learn hours of receiving a branch located at the place of your stay, otherwise you will simply do not accept you. Experts will give you the ADV-1 form, which you need to fill. You can write with blue and black ampool, you can not green and red. Letters in the application write only printed, I do not recommend inapplication. Here There are detailed explanations, how to fill in the correct form.

Right here download:

Website Blanker RU.

The SNILS number is a personal number, so you can not recognize it through Internet portals or on a telephone call. Such data Employees of the PF are not entitled to provide online or in touch, your presence and passport is necessary.

Nevertheless, using the Internet, you can simplify the procedure. Find the nearest department of the Russian Federation Russia will not work if you visit this site, and by calling the telephone number of the organization, you can get information about the reception time. More at home in a relaxed atmosphere, downloading the application form, fill it out, so as not to spend time later in the department.

PF branch

That's how everyone can learn the number of SPILS, which method is convenient to do this - choose to you. Remember, all offers on sites online Learn the evidence number is fraud. On the network it is impossible to make such a procedure.

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