PayPal is one of the largest electronic payment systems in the world. It was created back in 1998, and today it works in many countries around the world, helping sellers and buyers to interact with each other, in whatever point of the globe they are. Many Russian-speaking users got acquainted with Paypal, buying something on eBay Internet auction, or on other foreign sites. This is due to the fact that Paypal - if not the only one, then the exact most secure method of payment in many foreign online stores. The attractiveness of this electronic payment system is due to its simplicity of its use, ensuring the security of payments and the concealment of these bank cards. If earlier users from Russia could use PayPal only as an intermediate link for payments from bank cards, now the Russian account in PayPal allows you to collect and store funds on it. Suppose you should enter your account in PayPal, for example, from the seller who wants to make you a small compensation, or from a foreign friend. How to inform the sender to send the translation, and where to find out the number of your account in Paypal? This article will help to figure it out.
First, remember how you were registered on the PayPal website. If it was a long time ago, we will tell you - you were asked to enter an email address and some personal data. The PAYPAL payment system feature is that there are no wallets and numbered accounts: the means of each user are assigned to its account, which is uniquely identified at the email address. Thus, everything you need to know the sender to transfer to you money is your email address to which PayPal account is registered. We can say that E-mail is a kind of number of your PayPal account.
PayPal also provides an alternative option for collecting funds: Personal page on Collecting funds, just inform your friends or customers this link, and they will be able to quickly translate money. You just need to enter the amount, log in to PayPal and confirm translation. If you need to request some specific amount, you can add it to your link, and the sender of funds do not have to fill out the amount of payment.
The situation is absolutely similar if you want to translate to someone else: you must learn from the addressee only e-mail - this will be its PayPal account number. You can make sure that you enter the site to the Transference Section: You will be asked to enter only the recipient's e-mail and the sum of the translation. By the way, PayPal reports that the availability of the current PayPal account at the recipient is optional: the translated money in any case will not disappear, even if the email is not registered in PayPal.
Moreover, when paying for goods on the website of the online store you do not need to know which PayPal account uses the seller. Built-in payment system itself will set you an account for payment, as soon as you click on the "Checkout with PayPal" button. Of course, after payment of the goods in the details of the payment, you can see an e-mail seller who went away with your money. Directly in Paypal can also contact the seller if any controversial issues have arisen about buying.
As we have already found out, instead of the account number, the main user identifier in PayPal is its e-mail. But when payments, funds are charged with your real bank accounts that have their numbers. If you have long been registered in PayPal and can not remember which cards are attached to the account, log in and go to the "Account" section. There are indicated by your added accounts and maps. Changing the card you can see more details, but part of the data will still be hidden for the sake of security. No replenishment before payments pays PayPal does not require: you can make payments and transfers from added cards, and you can withdraw the balance of funds to bank accounts.
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