How to find out the account number of the Sberbank card

How to find out the account number of the Sberbank card

Receiving Sberbank Card For the first time, we usually do not attach the values \u200b\u200bto details that are not specified in the issuance agreement and the use of a plastic card. We are talking about the card account number - it is not in the documents that we sign in the bank and we get on your hands, but it needs to know, for example, to transfer money or replenish the card by electronic money.

If you think that 16 diquses on the surface of your card is the card account number, you will have to disappoint you. These rooms are completely different from each other.

When concluding a contract, bona fide employees of the bank attach sheets with details to the main document or transferred to the PIN envelope. Remember whether you have anything from the above, and if you have found a 20-digit number of the personal account - this is the number of your plastic card account, sometimes it is prescribed by hand.

I did not find this very number in the contract or in a converter with a PIN-code - go to the bank if it is nearby and find out the requisites you need, but just do not forget to take a passport and a plastic card.

If all Sberbank employees are busy and there is no possibility to get even to the help window - get the information you need about the account through the Sberbank ATM.

If, when receiving a card, bank employees activated you access to Sberbank online, then you have an identifier and password, and perhaps you have already used the Internet Bank for more than once - log in and see the account number data.


There is no access to the Internet and there is no nearby branch of Sberbank - take advantage of the call to a hot, working around the clock, Sberbank line 8 800 555-55-50, but be prepared to answer all the questions of the technical support officer.

Important! Do not disclose information about the PIN code, even if you are asking for Sberbank employees or technical support operators.

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