Often, when you want to conduct any real estate operation, this requires its cadastral number. Usually at the most inopportune moment it turns out that no one knows this number. It is not worth worrying: Rosreestr, containing information about all properties in the country, will help you learn the cadastral apartment number. Thanks to the availability of electronic services on the Rosreestra website, you can do it quickly, remotely and free.
The Federal State Registration Service, Cadastre and Cartography, which is simplified called Rosreestr, has its own official website, which will help you get information about real estate. Go to the Rosreestra site: https://rosreestr.ru/
The Rosreestra site is quite convenient to use. Scroll down a bit down, and you will immediately see the section of e-services and services. In addition to checking the status of requests for requests, preliminary recording to the office and submission of applications, you will see the service you need to receive reference information about real estate objects. Go to this service page.
On the page that opens, you will see the form of searching for real estate. You can search for different parameters, but you need to click the switch opposite the fourth partition where the search is made. In the first line, leave the selected version "All" so that the search was conducted at once in two registrars.
Now you need to correctly fill out the address of the apartment (or any other real estate object). The subject of the federation, the area, type and name of the settlement and the type of street are chosen from the list, so problems with incorrect or inaccurate writing are excluded. Difficulties may arise with the latest items that need to be filled manually. It is possible to get the result will have to try to perform requests in several options. By completing the request data, click the "Generate Inquiry" button.
In the table you will see an object of real estate and its cadastral or conditional number. You can click on the object address more detailed information. If you do not have the necessary information on your request, you can try to specify less data to find your object in the list issued to more rude criteria.
Unfortunately, an online request may not display your real estate object. In this case, there are some more ways to find out the cadastral number:
View in the cadastral passport.
View in a document on registration of ownership (contract of sale, an act of privatization, etc.).
Make a request to the Cadastral Chamber (Rosreestr).
The last item provides personal appeal to the registration chamber or online application. True, in contrast to the previous form of the request, such an application will be paid, but will provide you with more data. To do this, open the "Public Services" section. To get a cadastral passport in electronic form, where all the information you need will be, select the service "Getting information from the GCN". You will need to fill out data on real estate object, the applicant data and pay the application. Obtaining a cadastral passport, especially in electronic form, is an inexpensive procedure (150 rubles). Filling an application, you can call the Rosreestra Hotline for consultations, it is indicated at the very top of the page.
Share advice:"How to find out the cadastral number of the apartment"
Do not fully agree. Of course, it is possible to start looking for. But there is a lot but. First, the apartment is a room that can be in the house or not to be in the house. As it does not paradoxically sound - but from the point of view of state accounting it happens. Therefore, you can order a cadastral passport of the whole house. Information about the house is immediately available on a public cadastral map. If the apartment is taken into account, then it will be indicated in the cadastral statement on the whole house. Second - Carefully specify the address. We have a different system of EGRP and in this connection "House 2a" and "House 2 p. A" various things from the point of view of accounting. The resource of the online Rosreestra or the Cadastral Chamber will allow you to at least understand the essence of the question. After that, if you do not find anything call on the hot line
Do not fully agree. Of course, it is possible to start looking for. But there is a lot but. First, the apartment is a room that can be in the house or not to be in the house. As it does not paradoxically sound - but from the point of view of state accounting it happens. Therefore, you can order a cadastral passport of the whole house. Information about the house is immediately available on a public cadastral map. If the apartment is taken into account, then it will be indicated in the cadastral statement on the whole house. Second - Carefully specify the address. We have a different system of EGRP and in this connection "House 2a" and "House 2 p. A" various things from the point of view of accounting. The resource of the online Rosreestra or the Cadastral Chamber will allow you to at least understand the essence of the question. After that, if you do not find anything call on the hot line