How to find out the number of insurance certificate

How to find out the number of insurance certificate

Every adult citizen of the Russian Federation sooner or later receives an insurance certificate (SNILS). Little laminated card In addition to confirming the right to pension insurance, contains information about the identification issue of the insured person. In other words, the card represents the personal account, it has information about the insurance experience and accruals coming from the employer. Snobs the same mandatory document as a passport. Some parents are trying to arrange reduss before reaching the children of 18 years of age. The insurance certificate number is a digit of 14 characters, which is placed at the top. There are four options that will help urgently find out the SNILS number. Consider them in more detail.

Is it possible to find the insured certificate number on the Internet

  • Usually all important documents are stored at home in a special folder or box. But, often the storage location of the insurance certificate becomes pocket cover or purse. There may be a situation in life when the number of this very testimony is urgently needed. From the passport, the card can fall and get lost. Make a duplicate document is not difficult, but it will take time. Sometimes at the right moment the SNILS card is simply not there, and the state body urgently requires to specify its number. How to find out? The Pension Fund site does not disclose information on the insurance certificate, since it is confidential. Only the availability of a document, which confirms the identity of applicant to the institution, gives the right to access the SNILS number from the Pension Fund Specialist. To do this, make a written application. That is why there is no possibility to find out the necessary 14 digits of certificates via the Internet.
  • But those who have been registered on the State Service portal have the opportunity to obtain information about SNILS (so that such a loophole existed, it is better to register in advance on the "State Service" website before the loss of insurance certificate). When registering, the system requests information about the personal account, passport data and the SNILS code, which is further saved in personal data. But this information is not commonly available.
  • To determine the number of lost evidence, go to the Personal Cabinet page and click the Pension Accumulation button. Next will appear the label "Notice of the Account State" (it may be called and otherwise: regular changes and updates occur on the state services). The evidence number will be affordable if you click on this shortcut.

Find out the number of insurance certificate by passport

Having a passport with it, you can come to the pension fund at the place of residence and directly from the institution's employee to find out the SNILS number. It should be noted that it is impossible to know the insurance certificate number of the passport on the passport, since the official website does not disclose such information.

Insurance certificate number of the name in the absence of registration on the portal "State Service"

  • Until the duplicate of the lost insurance certificate, you can learn its number and easier way. Contact personnel service of its company or organization. It is stored in the database.
  • By contacting the State Fund of Russia, it is also possible to obtain information about the SNILS issue. It is in this institution that citizens turn into a loss of evidence and paperwork for obtaining a duplicate. As in the previous cases, it is necessary to have a confirmation document.

Insurance certificate number from official letter

The Pension Fund sends emails that contain information about the SNILS number, which is specified in the column with the name, the name of the addressee.

As a conclusion: the insurance certificate number can be found very quickly, if there is a registration on the Public Services portal or a citizen has time for a personal visit to the Pension Fund. Do not lose insurance certificate, and you do not have to be sophisticated in the search for non-standard methods for finding its number.

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