How to learn on lower pension savings

How to learn on lower pension savings

The Pension Fund of Russia provides an online service for checking pension savings after the SNILS code. The request is sent over the Internet without leaving home. This method allows you to constantly control the receipts of contributions from the employer and be confident in your future.

What is reduss

The insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) is assigned to every citizen of Russia, who retired. The insurance policy is decorated in the form of a plastic card, which causes the 11-digit number and the registration date of the owner. Having an insurance policy on the hands, you can learn your pension organization and accumulation values.

Where do you find out information on reduced pension savings

Mind of personal savings can be obtained through Unified Portal of Public Services (ENGU). The request can be sent around the clock, the answer comes in a couple of minutes. The application is sent from your personal account of the portal, specifying the password and the SNILS code. Service is free. You can also use mobile phone applications.

Registration of a personal account in ENGGU to learn on reduce pension savings

New users must register their office in the following sequence:

  • Open the registration site.
  • Choose an identity option to obtain an account activation code. You can find out your number by contacting Rostelecom in person or through the mail. You can also use a universal electronic card, if online to use an electronic signature, the key of which is on the map.
  • To confirm the person, make personal information to the questionnaire. It is necessary to take into account that when sending a questionnaire by mail the answer will come within 20 to 30 days.
  • After receiving the code, enter it into the appropriate window on the site. This is the registration of a personal account will be completed.


How to get to the site with the necessary information

To get to the right page page follow the following instructions:

  • Log in to your personal account.
  • Find the tab "E-Services".
  • From the list that appears, select the "Pension Fund of the Russian Federation."
  • In the new list, click the service "Informing insured persons about their personal accounts in the mandatory pension insurance system."
  • The click "Get a service" window (blue button located at the bottom of the window).
  • A few minutes later comes the "Report on the status of the individual account" with an indication of pension savings.
  • If the notification is delayed, click on the "My Orders" and monitor the status of the ordered services.

Alternative online resources to learn at SNILS pension savings

Their savings and learn other ways:

  • Get the information you need can be through Sberbank. Please contact the department with his statement, passport and SNILS. Employees of the bank will bring you into the database, register the personal account and be instructed how to use the resource.
  • If a client is registered in the non-state pension fund, you must go to the website of the bank and execute the query is already there.

As you can see, their savings online monitoring procedure is very simple and will appeal to all pensioners. No need to stand in queues and write long statement. Information is available on any given day and not wait for letters from the Pension Fund, as it was until 2013.

Comments leave a comment
Sanya 03.11.2017 at 21:53


Irina 04/14/2017 at 2:11

nrichego could not do. Do not write on the phone not SNILS privzzki no !!!

rat Emperor 11/19/2017 at 8:02

a dreamer wrote this nonsense

Olga unkind 02.27.2018 at 16:44

Dull system, like everything in our country! First register on the Public Services portal. Go to SNILS and password. Think that now you all services are now available - I have no! It is necessary to go or go to the pension to confirm your registration! STUPIDITY! IDIOCY! What the hell do we have to go for a thirty lands?! You can, of course, go to the rural administration, there are also confirmed, but if a person is disabled?! And everywhere they require its presence! (I have a bad son, disabled). As we are ass / l-bars ... And our amusemental savings at all does not give anything free of charge, no references. So do not frow people head, gentlemen! It is better to immediately go to the PFR and there and register you and will confirm the entry on the portal and at the same time you immediately recognize information about your pension savings. And all these stateportals are in order to keep us on hooks and as hard as possible ...

    Natalia Belaya 09/29/2018 at 21:44.

    A completely agree with you. Registered on the portal of the State Service, wanting to issue new rights and also learn about their accumulations of pension. It turned out that everything is secret for seven seals! The complete removal of the brain. In other countries, everything is for people, and we, as always, are all to keep the herd in the cord.

Olga 03/18/2018 at 15:21

Fully agree with the comrades! Registration is not a thing for the faint of heart! I did it for two hours - and he wrote everything "an incorrect password", even the one who formed the computer himself - also turned out to be incorrect. And what to talk about the people of the old, to which the computer is a miracle "supernatural". And then I understood - everything is done so that a person does not know what his insurance and accumulative pension, how it is calculated where the points come from. One word -PFR !!!

Alexei 07/29/2019 at 9:20

This registration is not for people, introduce data from the passport, but I write - incorrect data.


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