How to learn debt debts

How to learn debt debts

Sometimes, opening a receipt for payment of apartment services, we are surprised by the astronomical digits of debt. And begin to carefully remember when, where and how many last time they paid for the apartment. Thoughts come to mind about selling housing and utilities workers. But, before going to make scandaling in the management organization, it is better to figure out, are we actually debtors?

We learn the debts on rent at the address

If you have enough time, visit your boob. Go to the accounting department, there, calling your home address, get accurate data on all monthly payments. Perhaps an error occurred and you should not. If the unpaid amount really exists, you can immediately make money in the cashier's office, parts or completely, as you are more convenient, and without any percent.

Thinking out the debts on the rent through the Cash Center for housing and public utilities

The easiest way to learn the debt debts in the territorial settlement center - RCC. Its email address is printed in the apartment payment, which is removed monthly from the mailbox. Enter the address to the Internet search string and find the desired site. On the main page, click the "Continue" button, the login opens. In the upper field, enter the number of the personal account, find it in the grease receipt. As a rule, for simplicity, the password is left the same - the number of the personal account. By clicking "Log in", will fall on the Personal Cabinet page. See the current balance, this amount and will be your debt at the moment.

Screen 2.

Check the rent debt via the Internet

You can learn about the amount of debt on the rent of housing and public utilities on the regional portal of the State Service - First you need to register here, specify your passport details, a mobile phone number or email address, the insurance number of your personal account (SNILS). When your account is activated, go to your personal account, open the "utilities", see whether there are debts on paying housing and utilities bills. On the site you can find out the total amount of rent, get information about the status of the Internet, telephone, cable television, and redeem debt.

Payment at home

We learn about the debt bills through the bank

Medium by convenience Option is the foundation of debt - through the Sberbank ATM.

Your actions:

  • go to an ATM, insert the card and type it pin-code;
  • in the menu, select "Payments and Translations", then - the LCD section;
  • specify the time for which you want to know non-payment. Enter the payer code, it is indicated on your apartment receipt;
  • click on the "Debt" button and see the amount of debt for the requested period.

IMPORTANT: Accrued penalties for overdue payment are not specified through the banking terminal. Only in the HESCE you can find out the entire amount of debt.

Not bad to remember that in the Russian Federation all apartment payments are held up to the 10th day of the next settlement month. In case of delay in making money, penalties are accrued, and in more than six months, the bailiffs can be visited for more than six months.


There are ways to find out how much you owed a lot of rent, which one to choose, solve yourself. The main thing is to pay arrears in time, get rid of the growing of penalties and prevent the recovery of debt through the court.

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