How to get pension savings

How to get pension savings

The management of organizations carry out deductions to the pension fund in the amount of 22% with wages of workers. Of these, 16% - for the insurance part of the employee's pension, and the remaining 6% are for cumulative. V legislation It is said that citizens have the right to receive accumulations in the form of: a one-time payment, a monthly urgent payment, a cumulative pension, a one-time payment received by the successors of the deceased person.

If you apply for a one-time payment, remember that it can receive: persons having a disabled group (1.2 or 3rd); those who have lost the breadwinner; Persons receiving pension for state support. The only condition - in all these citizens to the retirement age should be lacking the necessary insurance experience or the magnitude of the pension indicator in order to appoint them an insurance pension. And can also get such payment and those who have a small accumulative part of the pension (less than 5% of the value of the insurance part). For payment you need to write a statement in PF RF At the place of residence, or in your NPF and some other documents (passport, SNILS, certificate of experience, details for the transfer of funds). The application will be reviewed within 1 month.

Application form and filling recommendations are presented on our website:

You have the right to urgent payment if your accumulative part of the pension is formed with the help of additional contributions. This is stated in Art. 3 and 5 N 360-ФЗ. Get it you have the right every month at the continuation of 10 years. To do this, go to the PF or NPF and write a statement, provide: passport, SNILS, details for payments. The term of consideration of the application is 10 days.

Application can be sent by mail. On our site there is a sample and a form of this application:

The accumulative pension is obtained by citizens every month throughout life. To get it, fill out a statement in the Pension Fund (you can download the form on our website), and also present your passport, SNILS, certificate of concluding (termination, if any) marriage, details for deductions. You can send documents by mail, but in this case the copies must be notarized. As well as the statement you have the right to send in electronic form through Portal State Service. On the NPF sites there are calculators that will help you calculate the magnitude of the accumulative pension. Or count them like this: the sum of your savings will divide on 228. This formula is defined in Pension Accumulation Law.

Application form for the accumulative part of the labor pension in NPF we have.

Sample application for the accumulative part of the labor pension in the NPF here.

For getting accumulations of the deceased relative When contacting the PF of the Russian Federation or NPF, where the accumulation of the deceased is stored, provide the following documents: a statement (a form in the NPF is on our website); the passport; a document confirming related links with the deceased; Death certificate and data for the work of payments. You can send this package of documents by mail, previewing all copies of the notary. The statement you must submit before half a year after the death of a relative. Payment will be made after the expiration of 6 months from the date of death.

Application form to receive savings by successor we have.

Sample application for payment by legal succession Look here.

The main thing in the procedure for issuing cumulative payments is to collect the necessary documents. It happens that for ordinary citizens, it becomes quite laborious. We hope that thanks to this article, you have got the necessary knowledge and now easily prepare all the documentation for contacting the Pension Fund.

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