How to get a pension for a deceased relative

How to get a pension for a deceased relative

If the pensioner died and did not have time to take a retirement in the current month, relatives who lived to death with him have the right to pick up the amount. They can also get cash accumulated cash (accumulative pension).

Retirement can any relatives of the deceased who are legitimate heirs. Also, the right to retire has persons who received material support from the deceased. In this case, it does not matter, they lived with him or not. If several people applied for the receipt of pension - the amount due to the pensioner will be divided between all applicants. If none of the family members appealed for the amount, it automatically turns on in hereditary mass. After that, it will be paid to the legitimate heirs of the deceased.

Download the payment rules for the successors of the deceased pension savings we have.

To get funds that a relative did not have time to pick up in the current month, contact the Pension Fund (PF) at the place of his residence no later than six months after the death of the pensioner. Take a passport with you and a certificate of registration of the place of residence. She is a confirmation that at the time of the death of a relative you lived with him. Also take a notarized copy of the death certificate and documents confirming related relations. You will be asked to write a statement. Within thirty days, civil servants will consider the submitted documents.

Download application application form about paying pension savings on our website.

Download application form about refusal to obtain pension savings You can here.

If your testator did not live to retirement age, relatives have the right to receive the entire amount accumulated. They can also get the remaining part of the funds that were not paid to the pensioner completely. But there is one nuance. If during his life the testator decided who exactly should receive the accumulated cash and wrote the appropriate statement to the PF, the amount will receive the person specified in the statement, even if it is not a relative of the deceased.


If the dead did not write such statements, within six months, from the date of death, consult a notary. If you miss this period, you will have to specify a valid reason and provide many other references. Take a passport of the deceased, a document about his death, documents that confirm your relationship, and a list of property (enter there the amount of accumulated pension), which you have the right to get after the death of a relative. You will be asked to write a statement about the consent of the adoption of property. After that, you will receive a document on the right of inheritance and be able to get the inheritance (dividing with other relatives if they are).

After that, take a passport, a document on the death of a relative, certificate of the right of inheritance and documents that confirm your relationship. Contact PF at the place of residence of the testator. You will be asked to write an application for funds in which you must specify your passport details, the reason for receiving funds, information about the deceased relative and details for the translation of the necessary funds.

During a certain period, state bodies will consider the documents submitted and will decide. If everything goes successfully, legal heirs will receive a monthly amount of the accumulative part of the pension. If you have any questions, go to the official website of the PF - There you can ask your question to consultants online.

Download an example of a completed statement about the payment of pension savings right now.

If you are a legitimate heir, you can easily get the accumulated pension of the deceased relative and the amount that he did not have time to pick up in the current month. If there are other relatives, talk to them and place all the documents together.

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Yuliya 03/17/2015 at 22:19

Civil husband died in 1963 birth. There is a joint minor child (adopted by him). Can I get his pension savings?

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