How to get subsidy at housing

How to get subsidy at housing

For some citizens of the Russian Federation, state aid for the purchase of housing and improvement of housing conditions are provided. The most needy layers of the population will be assisted in the form of a subsidy - a state program for issuing money.

Housing subsidies are provided with special citizens and under certain conditions. This category includes people who are in line, go away from the regions of the Far North, as well as young families. In each case, the package of required documents will be different, so specify the list in the local administration in advance.

Correctly plan-family-budget

Residents of the Far North can get subsidy if they have worked in the north of at least fifteen years and have no housing in other cities of the Russian Federation. To register, you need to contact the administration. For a certain time, you will be given a special certificate that will confirm the right to receive funds.

The people who filed an application have the right to help from the state. In this case, the process will be very long and slow, but after receiving the subsidy, you have the right to choose an apartment and purchase it. To do this, contact your local administration and ask who can apply on this issue. You will be asked to write a statement and provide the required documents. After that you will receive a certificate and funds to your Sberbank personal account.

If the age of spouses is no more than thirty-five years, they can use the subsidy program for young families. Visit the administration and provide the required documents. Employees will queue. In this case, assistance from the state can be the first payment of the mortgage loan. Remember that you must use the received funds for six months. Otherwise, you will have to undergo a design procedure.

Also, the state provides an opportunity to reduce the cost of paying housing and utilities, if their sum exceeds 22% of the income received. This is especially important for people who live alone, or for pensioners. Prepare the passports of all adult relatives who are spelled out in the apartment. You will also need receipts for paying housing and public utilities for the last month. Take these documents and visit the local social benefit department.

On this basis, the social service employee must confirm your right to help from the state. If he gives consent, make photocopies of all passports and labor books. In the passport office, ask for a certificate of family composition. Prepare a document that confirms your right to housing and certificates about the income of each family member.

Collect receipts for paying housing and public utilities over the past six months. Note that you should not be debt on accounts. Give prepared documents to the social benefit department. You will be asked to fill out the blank and write a statement.

Pensioners should provide the above-described package of documents, in addition to certificate of income. If they cannot independently prepare documents, they have the opportunity to issue a special power of attorney on a social worker who will do it instead of them.

For the purchase of housing assistance from the state is provided in the form of a minor amount, so many of it refuse. But to improve housing conditions, the program can be healthy. All you need is to assemble the package of the required documents and contact the administration.

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