How to get license for educational activities

How to get license for educational activities

To carry out educational activities, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate license. Without this permissive document, it is unacceptable without this permits (this may entail serious consequences, up to the elimination of the institution). The licensing process lasts 60 days.

License for educational activities is necessary to the following organizations:

  • preschool;
  • initial, middle, higher professional;
  • general education;
  • additional education;
  • scientific.

The licensing procedure implies a strict assessment of the institution in terms of the ability to exercise a training process. So, to obtain a license for educational activities can institutions that meet such licensed requirements:

  • availability of documentation of the teaching and methodological direction;
  • the presence of buildings (premises) necessary for carrying out activities at suitable condition and on a legal basis;
  • the presence of the staff of the Pedagogical Profile staff;
  • the presence of literature, information resources that are required to organize the educational process.

The applicant must provide the following documents:

  • application for license;
  • photocopies of constituent acts, certified notarized (charter, certificate of registration in tax, certificate of incorporation, statistical codes);
  • receipt confirming the payment of state duty (2,600 p.);
  • a document confirming the provision of educational literature, as well as providing a logistical nature;
  • documents confirming the availability of buildings, premises that meet the requirements imposed on them (if there is a lease agreement, there must be an expert assessment of the consequences of the conclusion of this transaction);
  • notarized information about teachers, their qualifications;
  • copies of documents that confirm the presence of conditions for the protection of health and nutrition of students, as well as premises for the work of health workers;
  • copies of approved educational programs;
  • details of the obtained sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;
  • details of the conclusion of compliance with fire safety requirements;
  • a copy of the provision on the branch or structural unit, if such provided;
  • inventory of the attached documents.

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So, the very first step should be the registration of a non-profit enterprise. According to the founder, the State Education Management Company creates an expert commission. After presenting to the applicant all the necessary documents, the Commissioner Commission must confirm the accuracy of the submitted documents and the fact of the applicant's compliance with legal requirements (otherwise the refusal to issue a license). These actions stand out for three days. If documents have shortcomings, the applicant can fix them into a thirty-day period. After acceptance and familiarization with the documents, an exit check is made, during which a visual assessment of information is carried out.

After consideration of the application, the applicant receives a notification of a license or refusal. In the case of a positive decision, the licensing authority issues a license. In case of obtaining a refusal to grant a license, it can be appealed in court if you consider the decision of the Commission unlawful. To avoid various problems and speed up the process of license execution, contact the company specializing in these issues, whose employees will help you do everything right (the cost of services ranges from 50 to 100,000 rubles). Thus, you will be assisted in the preparation of the package of documents, they will check it for compliance with the current requirements, will oversee the process of registration of the license until the receipt of confirmation of its extradition.

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A detailed description of the process of obtaining a license for educational activities can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

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