How to get a hunting license

How to get a hunting license

Many confuse a license for a hunting weapon with a license for self-defense. It should be known that these are different things and the order of the design of the first is somewhat different.

Most often, the weapon license is issued for 5 years in the Department of Interest (temporary registration will not pass). However, it is better to call back and clarify whether this permissive document is issued there, and if not, who is engaged in this issue. When changing registration, it is necessary to replace the license within 2 weeks. If the weapon license is overdue, it can be re-issued only in a year.


To get a hunting license, you should purchase a safe (according to the size of the weapon, which is planning to buy, leaving a slight stock in width). If it is purchased in the store specializing in trafficking in safes, and not in the hunting store, you can save a little.


Initially, examinations should be successfully passed by the rules for the application, storage, weapons wearing (theory and practice - the skills of circulation, shooting for targets). If the exam was not passed, the person is allowed to give it in 5 days. I pass only the theory, for a month you can redeem the practice, and after the specified period will have to go through all the steps first. According to theory, you need to answer 8 out of 10 questions.

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The following should be passed the police exam in the licensed and permitting department (at least 9 out of 10 questions). You need to familiarize yourself:

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To obtain a hunting license, apply to the ROVD, having such documents:

  • a copy of the passport;
  • honey. certificate Form 046-1 (conclusion give the therapist, oculist, narcologist, psychotherapist);
  • colored or black and white matte photos 3x4 (for traumatic - 3 pcs., for pneumatics, gas, smooth-bore, row - 2 pcs. per unit; as well as 2 pcs. for honey. certificates, hunting ticket, act and diploma );
  • existing permits - the original (if they are extended);
  • photocopy of hunting ticket;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • copies of existing permits (if available);
  • a copy of the diploma, an act of passing the course on the safe handling of weapons.


By accepting documents, the Employee of the ROVD should give you a receipt that indicates the date of appearance and the list of all the documents provided. The issue of issuing a license to acquire a smooth-bore, small-caliber rifle is considered 1 month. It acts six months, during this time you should buy a gun. Then within 14 days you need to get permission (instead of license). Exchange occurs in the ROVD, lasts up to 10 days. Meanwhile, a citizen must establish a safe with such characteristics:

  • 2 castle;
  • metal from 2 mm thick;
  • fastening to the wall, floor;
  • located in an invisible place.


After installing the safe, the precinct it checks in a pre-consistent time. Then the permission is issued (you can buy gunpowder, other ammunition on its basis). Download from us:

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License for cutting weapons is issued after 5 years of possession of hunting smooth-bore weapons. The cost of execution of a license in Moscow is 12000-20000 rubles. Depending on the type of weapon, in the regions this figure may be lower to 30%.

Comments leave a comment
Sergey 10.28.2015 at 23:52

Buying hunting weapons is possible only with a license for its acquisition, and only after buying a gun in the store, you can replace the license to permission. It's a long process, as you need to collect a decent amount of documents, undergo a medical examination, to consider storage issues, etc. But the favorite hobby is hunting - the troubles with interest.

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