How to extend the weapon license

How to extend the weapon license

The procedure for renewing the weapon permit must be held every 5 years, separately for all available weapons units. Exercises this process the same department (licensed-permissive), which permission issued initially.

What do you need to extend the weapon license?

First of all, you will need to assemble the necessary package of documents and contact the relevant authorities. Step by step it looks like this:

  • apply to the above department and write a statement to the name of the chief;
  • we associate with the precinct, which is obliged to check the correctness of the storage of the subject, followed by the report on this topic;
  • if the result is positive, 10 days later, the address specified in the application will make a decision to extend the permission.

Documents to extend the permit on weapons

Carefully read the list and take all the necessary paper:

  • passport, accompanied by copies of all significant pages;
  • photos of special format (3x4, 2 pcs.), on matte paper;
  • medical conclusions after examination in such specialists as a psychotherapist, narcologist, an ophthalmologist, as well as a precursor therapist;
  • a license attached to a specific re-registered weapon, as well as its copy;
  • receipt about paying for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia compulsory weapons collection.

Important nuances of weapon permission

It should be remembered when your current period of permission to store specific weapons expires. The application for its extension should be submitted at least 3 months before the end of the term, otherwise you may refuse you in the license hotel (because of the lack of time for the design of all documents and the necessary procedures). In such an unpleasant case, you can re-submit an application in just a year. Naturally, until this point, keep weapons and use it illegally. In some cases, you may refuse to obtain permission, even if all documents are in order. Citizens fall into the "risk zone":

  • attracted more than 2 times a year to administrative or other responsibility;
  • consisting (or consisting) on \u200b\u200baccounting / treatment in a drug or psycho-dispensary;
  • having disorders in the storage procedure of weapons: the absence of a safe fault, faults in the weapon itself, a unauthorized change in the design, non-compliance with the factory standards;
  • expressive permission.

If the resolution on the weapon is overdue

For one or a few reasons described above, your weapon permission can be withdrawn (as well as in the case of the owner from the place of sentence). In addition, if you have already missed the extension period, you must independently contact LRA, otherwise you can incur administrative responsibility. In the future, it will be possible to apply for permission only after 12 months.

To confidently feel in this topic, you can use reading the following legislative documents: the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Law No. 150-FZ "On Arms".

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