Are you fond of hunting? Do not deny yourself in this pleasure. However, it is necessary to approach such a case with all seriousness: to get a special permit for the acquisition and storage of a gun, as well as a hunting ticket that confirms the legality of your hobby. Let's get acquainted with the procedure for its design.
The procedure for granting this kind of documents was simplified since 2011. Previously, it was necessary to bypass all the departments and the organization of hunting lovers, collect a bunch of references, and also take a real exam for knowledge in this area. To date, only "formality" remained. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a hunting ticket can receive any citizen of adult age, who studied all the rules of the "professional minimum". The basic instructions and regulatory documents can be found on society Society of Hunters and Fishermen Moscow. The procedure for making permissions is described in Law of the Russian Federation "On the Hunting and Conservation of Hunting Resources" (Article 21). If you have no problem with the law, and "by shoulders" there are no convictions related to intentional crimes, you can get a hunting ticket. To do this, in the nearest nature management department or the multifunctional center of your city provide the following documents:- original, as well as scanpies of all pages of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- application for the issuance of the oxide of the corresponding sample;
- 2 photos (black and white or colored) 2.5 by 3.5 cm;
- old ticket (in case of replacement for a term or loss).
These documents can be transferred personally or by mail by registered mail. The service is provided free of charge.
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Today for hunting permit is not necessary to be evaluated, or the so-called exam. You are required only to put a "tick" in the graph application 's requirements minimum hunting acquainted. " In fact, it appears that the Russian Federation Ministry of Environment in this matter trusts all citizens who wish to obtain a permit. By law, a ticket is issued within five working days, but sometimes you have to wait a little longer. on its owner the data are entered into a single register, which is fixed series and date of issuance of the document. Hunting license is valid only on the territory of Russia and is of unlimited duration. A detailed procedure of obtaining permission can be found in " How to apply and the documents on the use of hunting resources " (№2 application to 379 order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment).Download right now:
- Sample notification for entry in the register of single ohotohozyaystvenny;
- Filled sample notification for entry in the register of single ohotohozyaystvenny;
- A sample application for a license for the use and possession of weapons;
- The completed sample application for a license for storage and use of weapons;
- Sample permission for storage and transportation of weapons.
Obtaining a permit - a very serious matter. After all, it entails the right to possession and use of weapons. Therefore, in order to avoid further potential problems with the law, it is recommended to study in detail all the provisions of the normative documents of the Russian Federation "On Hunting" and "On weapons".